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=/\= PERSONAL LOG =/\=

The Quads were busy and it was unusually warm for San Francisco in the spring. The young ensign made his way through the passers-by on his way to yet another session of flight training. Although he had enjoyed his training he'd hoped also that soon he would finish the academics, take some personal leave and await his first assignment.


Life had been much different for him here, here among the masses. Here on Earth where the cities were tens and hundreds the size of those on Mars. Due to the low gravity and atmosphere, Martian settlements had never grown large. Olymplia City which lies on the northern edge of the Amazonis Planitia where Gordii Dorsium meets the Amazonis Mesa was the largest settlement maintained a mere 500,000 people. Most settlements were 10,000 or less.



He walked into the training lab with his PADD in hand. There were only two other cadets present and there was no sign of Nashwa at all. The instructor directed them to their cockpits and gave them the mission brief which was liken to a combat sortie. They were to fly in, take out the 'enemy' targets and secure the area. It would take long. The flight plan read 10 minute flight time.



The SIM began and they all took off in formation. He was the port wingman and as soon as they were set they flew to the site without incident. When they arrived, however, his board lit up with several 'enemy' vessels. Most were smaller scout class ships but they packed pretty heavy weapons he learned. After only two short engagements his shield power was down 30% and many systems were already switched to their redundants. It was fast action and he learned quickly just what his scout shuttle could do and what it couldn't do.



Rosetto targeted the nondescript enemy using the targeting computer and its coordinates illuminated as the icon became encircled in red. As he reached for the FIRE button his mind went suddenly blank and his surroundings seemed to disolve. Immediately he thought that the instructor had aborted his simulation and he became quite discontented. What was strange was that the standard holodeck grid did not appear. He found himself seated at an open-air concession in bright afternoon sunlight. The bill of fare read "Apri il tuo Limonata". In spite of his Italian namesake, Rosetto knew very little of his ancestrial language. He looks around and sipped the drink that had appeared in his hand. It was lemonade and a very SPIKED one. Very confused, he decided that it was best to just go with it and wait until an explanation presented itself.


The plaza was lined with quaint little shops and there was a centralized billboard gently flashing "Quadrilatero d’Oro". He knew from his literature classes in college that "Oro" meant gold so he deduced that he was in "The Golden Plaza" or something like that. He continued to pan his surroundings, slowly spinning on his seat and as he turned back around he couldn't help but notice this woman with engaging brown eyes seated right next to him.



"Buon pomeriggio, bella giornata?" She said. He just looked at her silently as if to say, "Excuse me?"

"Ah Ha ha", she exclaimed, "You don't speak Italiano. I should have known. Welcome to Milano. This is my home. My name is Maria Bella Scintilla. I hope you like your limonata a spillo. Not too strong?"


"Who, uh...w---what? Who are you?"



She pointed to her tunic with a short smile. It was yellow and bore a familar Starfleet emblem. "You're probably wondering what's going on, huh? Well, I really must apologize. It seems that my little experiment has gone kerbluey! You see, 'YOU' were not supposed to go anywhere, just your imagine. COMPUTER, Freeze program."



Everything stopped in mid-stride; everything but Rosetto and this unusual but attractive woman. 'It WAS the holodeck', he thought, 'but WHO was this woman and where was the flight instructor?'



"Okay, well the cat's out so I guess I will have to come forward", she continued. I am a fellow cadet at Starfleet, Engineering major and minoring in Transporter Technology. I am working with a small group of classmates on an experiment mixing transporter imagine scanning technology with the holo-emitters." She seemed very nervous but continued to try to explain.

"I had seen you around campus and was using your imagine for my experiments. I know I should have asked permission first. I--I--I don't know what more to say..." She looked sheepishly at him and he felt he could hardly scold her. Besides, it was a lovely afternoon and the lemonade and his company were QUITE nice.



"Well, at the risk of sounding cavalier, thank you for a refreshing change. I have to admit you've caught me by complete surprise!" He chuckled and sipped his drink. "And this? It's perfect!"



"I hope that you're not offended. I--I--I have never done anything like this before."



"Relax M-, Maria, right?" He smiled. "I don't think they'll fail me for inadvertantly disappearing from flight school."



She giggled softly and got up to attend her experiment. "Wait! We might as well have lunch, eh?"



She stopped, froze for a moment, snapped around and sat back down. "COMPUTER. Resume program."



"So what was your name?" He asked and she returned 'Maria Bella Scintilla' which he found out meant 'beautiful sparkler'.



They sat and chatted for what seemed like several hours. He learned that she was the junior member of her group and had another two years to go at the Academy. She had not been lying. She was born and grew up in Milan. She said that it was the engine room of the country’s economy and home of its stock exchange. She also corrected him. They were seated in the "Golden Quad" and surrounded by fashion boutiques. As the afternoon pressed on they strolled down the plaza and he bought her some treats at the gelaterie. This was the famous aperitivi scene; an extended happy-hour with platters and platters of appetizers everywhere. It was exactly what Rosetto had needed; a quick vacation from the norm.

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