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A desire for inclusion



I recently discovered the STSF while considering the design of Federation starships from an aesthetic, tactical, and engineering standpoint. My research led me to a listing of Star Trek PC games which listed this site.


If it is permissible I would greatly like to begin role playing here. I have read the starting guidelines and hope to play my first Academy session tomorrow (Mon 25).


My education has been primarily focused on philosophy and mathematics. However I have invested many dozens of hours to pursuing a wide variety of topics due to personal interest and for self improvement. I have watched a wide selection of ST episodes and movies concentrated primarily on the post TNG productions. I am currently watching VOY from the beginning and have just finished the Destiny novels. I have been an avid fan of ST since I was young and have followed each new series as best as I was able.


On a more mechanical note, I have noticed a large number of Vulcan candidates. This is understandable as Vulcans are portrayed with several physical and mental features superior to standard humanoids. If this has not created an excess of Vulcan players I would request to play a Vulcan/Romulan Hybrid.


On a related but separate issues, may I ask for your recommendations for a devision? If there is not an excess in these areas I would prefer to play a character who specializes most especially in starship design, advanced warp theory, all or many aspects of subspace science, and exotic phenomena. As a counter balance additional specialties in historical studies focusing on politics, starship combat tactics, tactical equipment, and grand strategy.


I am aware of the broad range of these fields and I will humbly accept any statements or opinions which indicate that the number or spectrum of these is too great. In the defense of the list I posit only that they fall into two philosophical categories aligned strongly with an aspect of Vulcan or Romulan psychology or an integration of the two. I will spare you from an unnecessarily elaborated list of the evidence for this in each. With your permission though I will say that in my mind at least each can be derived from the others either through requisite comprehension required for mastery (warp theory being required for starship design) or emerge from similar disciplines (historical politics from grand strategy).


Besides the above I can offer no justification other then the length of the Vulcan/Romulan lifespan and the mental discipline which Vulcans may apply to a problem.


Finally, I must ask what is cannon. Specificy, what is the status of the relaunch of TNG/Voy which includes the Destiny series and the new movie and related Countdown comics.


Thank you for reading so lengthy an introductory post. I look forward to your feedback and correction.


Live long and Prosper.

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Welcome aboard... See you in the Academy SIMS!

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On a more mechanical note, I have noticed a large number of Vulcan candidates. This is understandable as Vulcans are portrayed with several physical and mental features superior to standard humanoids. If this has not created an excess of Vulcan players I would request to play a Vulcan/Romulan Hybrid.


First off... Welcome, relax and enjoy the experience.


Secondly, unless noted by the GMs in the mission brief, save all character development (including department choices) for after graduation, but don't write yourself into a corner.


Finally, I must ask what is cannon.


What is canon here? Broadly speaking, most ships are in that Post-TNG/DS9/VOY stage, but the individual Advanced Sim host teams generally define canon for that sim. Talon, our Romulan Sim, leans heavily Diane Duane Romulan-series novels for background and ignore the events of ST:Nemesis (and possibly STXI on the destruction of Romulus). QoB is a Future Era sim hybrid, based partially on a Federation that has gone the way of the Alliance (from Firefly/Serenity). Agincourt is another Future-era sim, on a Prometheus cruiser. Hood and Challenger are based in the Prime TOS universe, with Hood based firmly in the 60s colorful velour-clad TV Series, and Challenger (which was originally based in ENT) grounded firmly in post-STVI.


Comanche Creek, is our only New TOS-era sim. And, as to what the XO and Captain Calestorm have blended both New and Prime Universes, given the dearth of reference materials for the era. What's consider canon for Creek: Vulcan got fragged; there are only 10 thousand or so of the Species; the Fleet got fragged, and there's a more "Wagon Train in the Stars" feel on the borders of the Federation.


As for a Vulcan/Romulan hybrid? That may depend on what sim you graduate to, as well as that GM teams approval. And yes, I know Saavik was one such hybrid, but she could have been considered a special case.


Just remember: The key to surviving here, is to have fun, don't take it seriously, and enjoy yourself

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Finally, I must ask what is cannon. Specificy, what is the status of the relaunch of TNG/Voy which includes the Destiny series and the new movie and related Countdown comics.


As T'Mir indicates, many eras are represented here and as such many 'canons'. You will find that this is due to the SIM's long history which in many cases did not originate but migrated here to STSF. You will also find a wealth of knowledge and very friendly people who will help you along the way. Good luck and have fun and if you have any questions just ask. Trust me, you will be innondated with answers! LOL

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Hiya! Welcome to STSF.


As TMir stated, don't go too heavily into your character development yet. For the most part, all cadets are human for the Academies (I say for the most part, because sometimes there are special Academies.) This is to help avoid any confusion, and allows the cadets to focus more on getting the basics of simming down so they can get ready to graduate.


But above all, and we can't stress this enough, have fun! :P

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::clears throat::



Two things to remember: 1) Any Academy hosted by STSF N'Dak is a guaranteed suicide mission [And that's a direct quote from his signature]. 2) Never compare the GMs to Captains Bligh or Queeg if you want to get graduate sometime before the turn of the century.


That being said, I'd recommend reading: How to sim, as well as: Tips from the Moose


And for all your technobabble needs, visit Memory Alpha or Ex Astris Scientia.


The Jami and Sorehl Show (Tuesdays 9 Eastern) is an excellent training environment; Sorehl strives to distill the essence of our Simulation style in a 15-ish minute classroom session, and then tries to bring those lessons forward during the Academy.

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Talon, our Romulan Sim, leans heavily Diane Duane Romulan-series novels


It should be noted that this is an exception in STSF, though. For the most part, events depicted in novels, even the Destiny series, are not recognized as canon.


If you want to incorporate a character concept from a novel, you might be allowed. I recently told a player that I was willing to allow a species in one of the Trek novels as long as enough background information was included in her bio for people who hadn't read the novel. You'd have to be careful, though, if anything about the character relies on significant events or changes in the galaxy that were depicted in a novel, since those could conflict with the setting of the game. Your Advanced sim GMs are always the final arbiters. Prepare something for them when you graduate, and it just might be cleared.

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welcome to STSF

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I recently discovered the STSF while considering the design of Federation starships from an aesthetic, tactical, and engineering standpoint. My research led me to a listing of Star Trek PC games which listed this site.


If it is permissible I would greatly like to begin role playing here. I have read the starting guidelines and hope to play my first Academy session tomorrow (Mon 25).


Welcome, Surran - glad you found us!


Thank you for reading so lengthy an introductory post. I look forward to your feedback and correction.


Live long and Prosper.


And an interesting read it was! Long and involved. As T'Mir said, don't make too many decisions before you get your feet wet. A lot of how you fashion your character will depend on what advanced simulation you choose when you graduate from the academy.


Live long, prosper, and enjoy!

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