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Security Duty Log

Stardate: 201004.03

Location: Just outside of Sickbay


Supplemental Duty Log


Malik stood outside of the Sickbay as his people carried the now visible Quantos into the Sickbay to be properly medically detained. Malik thought to himself, “My God, he could have a run amuck on the ship. It was the good Doctor’s fault in a way that he had the opportunity. What she did was right and wrong at the same time. It was good to sedate him since he was growing quite suspicious and making demands while he is in no bargaining position from the beginning.” Malik paused his thought to address the Ensign that had stepped near him waiting to be noticed. “Yes, Ensign, how may I help you?” Pilot questioned. “Sir, here is today’s security report.” The ensign replied. Malik accepted the padd and moved away from sickbay not far just a little bit down the corridor. Pilot then resumed his thought, “This Quantos is a tricky individual, he was aware of the ‘plot’ to sedate him devised by Doctor Swan. Again, who I need to speak with soon. He then gets the injection phases and runs out of the Sickbay and we get an intruder alert which just happens to be him across the hall and also have to dispatch a repair team for those crewmate’s quarters.” Pilot paused again and tapped his commbadge, “Lieutenant Pilot to Engineering repair team, please when you get an opportunity Deck 8 section 3 crew quarters of Crewman Harvey needs to have some things inside repaired.” Pilot received acknowledge from the Engineering repair team and he then moved back towards Sickbay because there was nothing else to think about and more of the time to sit down and talk variety of things. Pilot stops at the Sickbay just before he enters…


<End log.>

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