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Crash Calestorm

iComanche Audio

>>>> originating text message Calestorm <<<<

>>>> iComanche Audio Message <<<<

>>>> Subject: Rabi D56 Virus <<<<

Listen up folks, we have some more information that our tech expert gleaned from the CS 13 computer systems on this nasty bug. – Calestorm


<personal log Nishan file 1.2>


Audio message, Doctor Miha Nishan Recording:


The Rabi D56 virus was a biological initiative launched in the early 2230’s by the Starfleet Research and Development division. D56 was an isolated derivative of the more common rabies virus.


Most are aware that rabies could be prevalent in wild animals, and was transmittable to Humans through saliva from a bite wound. The Rabi D56 virus was designed to be a long range bio weapon, released behind enemy lines in an attempt to infect and destabilize the opposing soldier population.


<pause in recording> The project was initially abandoned after five years of research, and two years of field testing; the virus itself was unpredictable, and the use of Rabi D56 was deemed as too aggressive a method to be employed by the Starfleet forces.


Most of the test vials were destroyed; Cold Station 13 received four of the vials for storage back in 2241. The so called logic behind keeping a few of the virus examples on ice was in case of a future outbreak, the vials could be used to synthesize an antidote. I can’t say I agree with the idea, but that’s my opinion only.


On the black market, any of these pure Rabi D56 vials could be sold for thousands of credit within the drug trading circles. Junkies will frequently use a modern synthesized version of D56, shooting up with the processed derivative in order to get an aggression high.


<pause in recording>… two of these original vials are missing from our stores. Our chief of security’s pet dog, Bear, I believe is our patient zero. She had a puncture mark on a haunch, possibly from a projectile dart, which is a probable indication of how the virus was introduced onboard the station, and given time to incubate. When we attempted to enact our lockdown protocols, the computer systems went haywire.


The current whereabouts of our Zero are unknown. Judging by the recovery times of the people that we managed to keep separated from the surviving population however, I am speculating that if Bear survived the initial infection period, she is beginning to recover from the virus as well.


<pause in recording> … the Rabi D56 virus will burn itself out of a victim’s system after a period of 72 hours ... <recording unintelligible)… no trace of infection in the saliva….


… myself and the surviving staff members are speculating that the civilian merchant ship who delivered our last batch of supplies may be responsible for the infection that spread across the station, and the damage to our computer systems.


We have attempted to retrieve the data manifest that showed the crew of the merchant vessel, but our systems still remained compromised and we are unable to access beyond a certain data point…


<end recording, personal log file 1.2>


**** Secure wireless 214 ****


>>>> sent to your iComanche communicator phone <<<<

>>>> download, CS 13 recording Nishan/CMO <<<<

>>>> originating text message Calestorm <<<<

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