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Still looking

Hi gang!


I realize that I am still but a virgin here (hasn't even attended his 1st academy class), but I would like to say that everyone I have met thus far seems very open and welcoming. Thank you...


Alas, I do have purpose other than participating in SIMs here. I am seeking programmers who would be interested in a project that I am working on that will take this SIM to a whole new level where the technology is concerned. So... If you are a programmer or are just interested in finding out what it is that I am creating then please contact me here, we'll exchange contact info (etc) and then I will show you what we have in store.


I still find it amazing that a TV show of the 60's has generated such a following... And to any of you who think that STAR WARS even compares, well.... I'm sorry. STAR WARS is a FUN movie idea, like Cinderella. STAR TREK is our future; or could be if we chose. And from what I find here, it is entirely possible.

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Mr. Rosetto, we do not usually allow people to "advertise" on this site, but since you are just asking for people interested in programming and Star Trek to contact you, we can leave your request in place and suggest that people send you Private Messages on the Boards. Beyond that, the discussion is closed, so I will also lock this thread. Thank you.

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