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Nicolas Lepage


Nick was a little surprised at DJ’s reaction. He had half expected her to argue with him again, maybe even blame him for what happened between them. But the longer he thought about it, the more he realized that no one really was to blame. DJ had simply not agreed with his decision. Fair enough. Even now, Nick wasn’t sure whether DJ hadn’t been right in the first place and he knew that he hadn’t really listened to her arguments. Why? Because he was too stubborn? Because he didn’t trust Drankum? Because he and Chirakis wore the same uniform? Whatever the reason, he knew that whenever it came to Drankum, his dislike for the Ferengi made it difficult to remain objective. He would be the first one to admit this. And maybe now was the time.


He pulled DJ closer into a hug. “There’s no reason for you to apologize. I guess we both had a point and I, for my part, was too stubborn to see yours. And maybe I just hoped Chirakis was right. It would have been an easy explanation and Drankum wouldn’t be in command anymore. I still don’t trust him, DJ. But you may also have noticed that I’m the only department head, other than Jorahl, who is not currently in the brig. I guess that means I’m not a lost case after all.”


"No," whispered DJ. "You're not a lost case...not by a long shot." She allowed herself to relax against him greatly aware of how much she'd missed him since their little spat. "I'm not proud of my behavior either. I over reacted." She pulled away and smiled into deep brown eyes. "I know you don't trust Drankum, " she continued quietly. "He's not the type to ....engender trust....not easily anyway. But he's accomplished a lot in his lifetime. He didn't get where he is today by being stupid. And he's genuinely attached to this station." DJ shook her head and chuckled softly. "He's also a typical Ferengi when it comes to pride....and his pride has been hurt. You know what that means."


Nick smiled back at DJ, wishing they’d have some more time for each other and not just a few minutes before they’d have to go back to sickbay. He also didn’t feel like talking about Drankum right now. But not wanting to give the impression that he wanted to avoid the discussion, he considered DJ’s words. “Anyone who believes Drankum’s stupid is a fool. But he can be irritating. Actually sometimes it seems like he’s actively trying to be irritating.”


Nick sighed, his frustration building yet again. “I just don’t know what to do. Every time I need to make a decision it seems like whatever I go for is wrong. I tell you, if anyone ever suggests promoting me any further I’m going to resign my commission. After this recent mess I want to stay away from station politics as far as possible.”


"I don't blame you. It isn't worth all the aggravation," replied DJ with a slight nod. She leaned into him again and closed her eyes. "Chirakis wounded his pride. He's behaving a lot like he did when the Federation decided to move Aegis without consulting the Ferengi." Opening her eyes, she looked up at Nick. "That mess was finally resolved. I have to believe things will work out this time as well. Maybe Captain Halloway can talk some sense into him."


As DJ leaned into him, Nick held her a bit more tightly. It felt good after the past few days when they had hardly even talked. “Wounded pride or not, he needs to think about what’s good for Aegis. And the current situation certainly isn’t. He’s got almost all senior staff in the brig. I hope you’re right and Halloway can fix this mess. He’s known Drankum for a long time from what I’ve heard.”


"You know what I'm thinking," whispered DJ, snuggling closer to him. "We should stop thinking about Drankum and Chirakis and their problem. Let's focus on us." She paused a moment and then chuckled. "I don't care what they say. Your lobes are far more interesting than anyone else I know."


Nick grinned and he held DJ even more tightly, almost whispering, “If you already like my lobes, you should check out the rest. I have quite a few…assets you’ll enjoy.”


“I'm sure your.....assets will prove wonderfully enjoyable," replied DJ with a chuckle. "And I promise I'll check them out...all of them." She pulled away and grinned at him. "In due time." Taking his hand, she pulled him toward the door. "But this isn't the time. If we don't get back, Mimi will send a search party looking for us."


Nick had half a mind to suggest leaving their comm badges in some airlock and hiding in one of the smaller, scarcely used cargo bays so the search parties wouldn’t be able to find them. Instead he let DJ pull him away out of the door.

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