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Computer analysis of data pack 331 from communications satellite

Computer analysis of data package decrypting: Analysis 23% complete. Degradation of some digital recordings due to time and infiltration of minute dust and solar fragments in the internal circuitry.


Playback Data package 331:


Scene on the screen shows a news person or spokesman, very disheveled and looking exhasuted:


" Good evening to those of you that we are still reaching. We are running on internal generators here and are able to broadcast with limited range. Social services such as power plants, public works such as water treatment and waste removal have more or less broken down with the lack of people to run them. Mass hysteria has taken over as the sickness spreads. Government sources have had no comment in 3 days and there are rumors that many of those in charge have either tried to flee the city, or have fallen to the illness themselves. Speculations as to the start of the illness have focused mainly on the government run genetics laboratories, which had been working on enhancing not only our food sources, but also trying to prevent certain types of illnesses. Fear of various foods, mainly grain and vegetable crops have caused rioting and outrage that this was unnecessarily brought on to the public by the government. At this time, it is only rumor, but the fact that people are starving to death, even thought hey are eating, shows something is wrong. Unable to digest and absorb::garbled:: garbled::



As the dead litter the streets, government troops have tried to quarantine the large cities, but at last report from our satellites before we lost power to reach them, was this illness, has become a pandemic, and has spread over every continent on the planet. The public is being held imprisoned in the cities instead of being allowed to escape the death and horrors occurring here. Nightly bonfires to burn the dead have had little effect to cut down on the spreading sickness from all the corpses littering the streets, there are not even enough people to burn those. Reports of ::garbled:: garbled::: looting and ::garbled:: pets for food:: garbled::

those escaping to the country side have.. Recording ends.

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