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Mark Garrison

"Ties That Bind"

Mark let out a long, relieved sigh as he relaxed into his bed. He propped himself up onto the pillows, taking a moment to appreciate silken sheets he'd picked up at some random shop on Camelot during their last leave… the one before all the zombies and mayhem. He'd spent the leave after that filling positions and helping helpless ensigns do... God... everything. He glanced over to the Al-Ucard lying next to him, seemingly reading his thoughts. She certainly knew how to relieve stress. Still, his stress was her stress and vice versa, so relieving it could be as much a productive activity as a recreational one. Maybe that's how they ended up here this time?


"I don't think I realized how much I needed that." He finally spoke, glancing over to her.


She smirked as she rolled onto her side to stare at him. Her fingers trailed down his chest and down to his muscled abdomen. "I did. Glad you enjoyed yourself. It certainly took you long enough to get here. I have been broadcasting subtle hints for the past hour."


"Yeah, well I've always been bad at picking up hits, much less those sent subconsciously through our bond. Perhaps I was just waiting for you to come and drag me off the bridge." He chuckled a bit, rolling to face her, propping his head up with his left hand. "You know how I am though. Work before play. I'd hate to have a guilty feeling about neglecting something in security after a night like this."


"Yes, you take your duty seriously, but so do most of the people on this ship. And you are no less deserving than they. However, you are responsible for your own department now and I doubt the new Captain..." she paused, not liking the sound of that, "would not hesitate to berate you for failure."


"No, I imagine not. I haven't interacted with him much, but I tell you wouldn't want to run into him with your boots unpolished. Just another joy of being the Chief. I get the flak for you all. Sometimes I think I should have told Corizon to give you the job..." He sighed, taking a brief moment to look her over. She'd been less then... pleased to learn they'd be receiving new CO. He knew she and Corzon were close and often suspected they had a similar arrangement to himself and Victria, though he tried not to dwell on it. Jealousy was an ugly emotion. "Do you miss him? Corizon?"


Her smile dropped slightly and she gazed steadily at him, contemplating his question. "In a way, yes. Though I am not certain it is something I can explain fully." She paused, searching for the words. "I consider him part of my clan. He is a Hunter. We understand one another. Does that bother you?"


"No, not really. Ever since we started this you made it clear we weren't exclusive. It isn't what I expected when I admitted my feelings to you back then, but I suppose it's better than being rejected outright. Besides, I get what I need from you," He paused, realizing how that sounded. "It's not just the sex. Loyalty, friendship, trust. It's as much as any decent human relationship, so I decided not to hung up worrying if you're in someone else's quarters any given night."


She laughed lightly. "You will soon find that the Al-Ucard do not mind being used in the same manner as humans. You do yourself credit in learning to think differently from the rest of your kind."


Blue eyes drifted over his face to his neck, resting on the rhythmic pulsing of blood there. After a moment, she broke free of the urge and slipped out of bed. Silken sheets whispered against her skin as she slid from beneath them. Naked, she strode to the replicator. "Would you like something?"


"Water is fine, thanks." It was a simple answer, which gave him more time to admire the view. As the drinks replicated she returned, handing him the glass. "I thought you should know, I've been thinking on the subject on the bond as well and decided, for now, that I want to keep it."


She took a sip of red from her glass and licked her lips, studying him as she reclined on the pillows. "What swayed you in that direction?"


"I've managed to cope with the unforeseen effects of it so far, and you're right, it does have tactical advantages as well. That and... it uh... brings a certain closeness between us I've sort of... uh... grown accustomed to..." He took a nervous sip of the water.


She gazed steadily at him once again. "As you wish. Only remember that this was your choice. If you ever change your mind, the offer to dissolve this still stands. One does not shackle a Clansman, a Bondmate, or a Lover."


Mark nodded thoughtfully. "I understand. It's sort of unknown territory where this bond will go... There's an old human expression, 'We'll cross that bridge when we get to it'. For now I'll try not to get stabbed again by any green space pirates, and you can try to stay well fed," He smirked. "It's a good thing Dr. Dubois isn't exactly thorough with the yearly physicals. I'd figured we would've had to explain this to...someone by now."


"There is little to explain unless we openly reveal it ourselves. Emotional surges and sympathy pains can be explained away." She took another long drink, obviously needing the replenishment. "I do not know what would happen if the bond were discovered. They would surely make us dissolve it."


"Probably. I have to admit I'm a little curious to see what my blood work would show though; if there'd be any Al-Ucard DNA floating around in there. Only logical way to explain the telepathy... empathy... whatever. Then again, you are supposed to be your people's ambassador to the Federation. Perhaps there might be a diplomatic string to pull. Either way, I hate physicals, so I don't plan to visit sickbay anytime soon." He set the water on the nightstand next to him, admiring what the near dark of spacelight did to her features.


Her attention shifted to the window as she contemplated the revelations of their latest mission. She disliked the thought of carrying Scorpiad genetics around inside of her and disliked the thought of passing those on to someone else even less. Mark was resolved to continue. Perhaps she should make the decision to sever their connection… for his welfare. Then she turned back and found him staring at her, not as a Hunter might gaze at prey, but as a man might look at a woman. With Corizon gone, Mark was the one person on the ship that didn't think her a freak or a monster.


"Thank you," she said simply, not fully knowing how to convey her appreciation.


He nodded, not as much of an acknowledgement, but because he didn't really know what else to do. There was the moment of not knowing what she meant. Then the bond filled the gaps of what she couldn't explain. That was another reason he wanted to keep it. It brought with it an understanding that couldn't be conveyed in words. He had to marvel at how often they'd spoken an entire conversation with a simple look. It made things much easier for him, considering he wasn't much of one for words. Here it had prevailed again.


"I remember when you said I was attracted to you like one might be attracted to danger. Too bad you turned out to be pretty harmless." He smirked, trying to lighten the mood.


"I do not react well to insults," she replied to his teasing. One corner of her mouth quirked upward as she set her glass aside. The icy hue of her eyes seemed to intensify. "I consider them challenges."


"Well you should do something about that." A sly little grin formed on his lips as he looked her body over.


"With pleasure," she said, grinning evilly, and then attacked him with enough ferocity to make him fully aware of the consequences of such a challenge.

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