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Nancy to the Rescue

Dr Chalice gave way to taking a break from sickbay and visited the commissary. She picked up quite a few items and put them into her recycled shopping bag, which she often had in tow, "just in case." She made her way back to the crew quarters area and rang Dr t'Tamarak's door. There was no answer. She inquired of the computer where Jaiysa had gone off to -- she had just departed the mess hall, the computer informed her, and was moving back towards the quarters as well, so Vilanne waited by her door, bags under her arms and in her hands.


She waited... and waited... and waited... She returned to her quarters, and put away the items she had gathered. She soberly went to bed. She laid there with her eyes open, thinking. Eventually, she sent a COM to Nurse Nancy, "Nanc, come talk to me, after your shift, ok?" A little while later,, Nancy rang the door and Vil opened it. She began to explain that Jaiysa took her up on this get together, but stood her up. She continued. "I waited," Vil explained, "only because she said she'd have a pajama party with me... so I brought pajamas, and a few other things." Vil pulled out the "other things" and Nancy and Vilanne did a little taste testing of their own while they experimented with the drink recipies that Vilanne was given at the commensary. A few hours later, Nancy waddled from Vil's room where she left Vilanne sleeping soundly. "Glad I could help her, she's had enough stress."

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