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Kansas Kenickie

The Kenickie Home Part 1

The Kenickie Home

Part 1


McFly watched Kansas half walk, half dance down the hall and into the transporter room. She pulled him onto the pad and glanced at the transporter operator, “22 Shadow Ridge Road, Owl Canyon... Colorado… pleassseeee.” Matt lifted his brow, “I thought your Dad taught at the academy?”


She smiled at him and half rolled her eyes, “He commutes over, since mom is gone we had to move in with my grandfather to help pick up the slack. Besides no room to spread out in San Fran, we live on the boarder of the Roosevelt National park… a lot of room to cause trouble.” She winked at him and waited to shimmer down… Matt nodded thinking that made sense and also noted that she hardly ever talked about what is going on with her Mom. He knew she is in the rehabilitation center in New Zealand, but never asked what she did or even looked into it. Suddenly his train of thought was interrupted by the tingle of the transporter.



Once the transport was complete the bright sun above made them both squint, once his eyes adjusted Matt noticed two Fox Hounds on the front porch of an older looking farm house that looked too had been expanded at one point. One dog stood up and was missing a back leg, its’ tail going crazy. The other lazily got to his feet, clearly the older of the two.


“Trigger!” She clapped her hands twice and the lively one leaped off and darted across the lawn to the curb where they stood.


“What happen to his leg?” he asked as the dog circled them in joy.


She smiled sheepishly, and started walking towards the house “Hunting accident.” She climbed the steps and placed her hand on the other dogs head, “Hey Thor, how ya doing old man.” She leaned in and hugged the dog and gave him a loud kiss on the top of his head.


To McFly the place was like out of a photo, Farm house, old barn, and a large stretch of land to get lost on… there was even a swing hanging from a tree. He watched her push the door open and the dogs dart in before them, “Daddy! I’m home.”


“Is that my little girl?” was yelled out from some where. The inside of the home didn’t let Matt down; it had a feeling of home to it. Fire alive in the fireplace, leather couches and dark wood accents. The sound of chairs scuffling from another room could be heard from where they were.


A very tall man with broad shoulders walked towards them, Kansas skipped down the small hallway and leaped into his arms. He caught her instinctively and hugged her, “Ahh, my girl.” He smiled, “you have good timing, your brothers are home and some cousins are here for Christmas. How long do I get you for?”


Kansas leaned back and gave a small pout, “Only today, unless thing change. I brought someone with me.” She pointed over her shoulder to where Matt was standing, her Father smiled “I noticed.” He dropped her back down to her feet and appraised McFly where he stood.


Here he was meeting Kansas' father for the first time, something he never thought would happen. He could feel himself being measured. As long as her father didn't request a cat scan he would be fine. “Mister Kenickie” He said extending his hand, “Matt McFly, pleasure to meet you.” Ian leaned in and shook his hand, “Ian, please... Welcome to our home.” Matt looked up at him instantly recognizing him from the communique he received nearly a year a go. He was impressively tall and could see why Kansas idolized him, he had an honest face and a look that he thought would have had his image hanging in every Starfleet recruitment office wall. All of a sudden he felt small. Is this the standard Kansas has set for herself?




“There is Moose stew in the kitchen; the boys are off getting a tree.” Ian said leading them into the kitchen. They followed him and an older man stood at the stove, he half turned and smiled, “Hey Pip” he grumbled.


Matt stood in the kitchen doorway and glanced at the photos that littered the wall, each one was filled with group of boys the size of linebackers and one of them hoisting Kansas at every age and not one of her mom, it was like she didn’t exist. There was even one of those corny body pyramids with Kansas standing on top with her arms raised high. Kansas broke his train of thought when she pulled him the rest of the way into the room. “Poppie, this is McFly..” the older man nodded to Matt, “Jerry, you’re a brave soul coming to this den.” He winked. McFly smiled, glanced around the room and noticed a bunch of phaser rifles spread out on the table, with pieces scattered around them. Kansas handed McFly a bowl of chili and glanced at the table, “taking the little ones out for their first shots?” she asked her father as she sat down at the table.


“If I can get this scrap metal working again, you know how they think about firsties. I’ll be lucky if any of them hit a target on the first outing. Good weapon or not.” Ian nudged a seat out for Matt to sit in, it seemed to be a normal activity to eat among weapons on the table here… very refreshing. Out the back door Matt could see Bows and arrows, large blades and a number of other weapons, some he wasn’t sure what they did.


“Stew is excellent, your kill?” Kansas asked getting up to get more from the pot.


“No” He answered sourly, “the old man blasted its brains out before I could… should have been mine.”


“Canada trip or is this newer from the last time we talked?” she asked with her mouth half full.


Before he could answer the dogs started barking, and the door banged open, "Were home!" Was shouted from more then one person.


"So am I!!" Kansas yelled as she ran into the other room.


Matt smiled and realized why Kansas had refused Faldek's advances towards her, he would never fit in at this home. it Oozed warmth and fun, things no one would use to describe Faldek.


Kansas' Grandfather took a seat next to him and nudged him with his elbow, "Better go join them... they can smell weakness. Don't worry... they wont hurt you to much, not unless you hurt her. She's has them wrapped around her finger, has since the day she came home." Matt stood up, he wasn't scared of her army of brothers, just nervous that he couldn't live up to the type of men this house held...




Come on in boy sit on down

And tell me about yourself

So you like my daughter do you now?

Yeah we think she's something else

She's her daddy's girl

Her momma's world

She deserves respect

That’s what she'll get

Now ain't it son?

Y’all go out and have some fun

I'll see you when you get back

Probably be up all night

Still cleanin' this gun


Now it's all for show

Ain’t nobody gonna get hurt

It’s just a daddy thing

And hey, believe me, man it works

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