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Capt Rian Kwai


Okay, let's nip this one in the bud before more people end up in the doghouse. Rian took a deep breath before entering the Admiral's Ready Room. Where she'd finally developed a back bone, the Trill couldn't say. If this all had happen just a few short years ago, Rian would have cowering behind her OPS or Nav console, praying not to find the Caitian's claws embedded in her chair. She'd always the type to stay in the background, quiet, meek. The most trouble she got into was when Devon, Chioban, Evie or Sian dragged her down kicking and screaming. Now, well, maybe it was the holiday with the Prophets that did it? Or the chaos with the Earth for Terrans people? Or maybe it was that Rian was just plain mad about the whole shoreleave fiasco. Whatever it was, she was prepared to face the Admiral with her head held high no matter how sharp those claws were.


As she entered the room, Rian began before BluRox could interrupt her, "Before you start, let me explain." She held her hand up in the universal sign for 'stop' as she talked. "About the officer switch down at the planet. After you gave me to the order to send Joy down to the planet, I had her report to the transporter room so I could give her the details what was going to happen. Joy then expressed a concern that she would not be able to perform her duties due to both a conflict legally and ethically. A potential programming meltdown."


Barely taking a breath the Trill continued. "I had to make a split second decision. I know time was not on our side, so rather than send an officer who may or may not be able to follow a directive, I made the decision to carry out the order instead. I can at least deal wrestle with my own internal moral obligations later. And based upon that…that…" she pointed at the door towards the bridge, before uttering an untranslatable Trillian curse. "…@#$% display, I don't think I'll have any trouble sleeping tonight."


Rian jabbed an index finger at herself, "And yes, I will admit, I forgot that the Executive Officer and the Captain of the ship aren't supposed to be off ship at the same time like that. But I've only been in the position for less than twenty-four hours so it's not something drilled into my head…yet. I promise I'll do my best not to make the mistake again."


"And…and…" she held her hand up again. "Don't blame Mr. Robinson or his staff for the lunatics running around the asylum right now. That was my doing. This time." She smiled briefly. "They were finished with their task in the brig and were in danger of making a nuisance of themselves down there. Dr Weber said she could supervise them in another project, so I released them into her care. When things escalated, I was the one who told them to report to duty stations."


"Now, unfortunately, they've made a mess in sickbay. Not completely their fault – the ship stopping suddenly was a contributing factor. To fix it, I've given Captain Kawalas, err, Commander Kawalas instructions that the group is to report to regular duty shifts but personal 'free time' has been suspended until they clean up sickbay and complete Dr Weber's project."


"The good news is that this leaves you free to play 'Good Cop' while I take the role of 'Bad Cop'. You can let them off long enough to attend the seasonal holiday party. If you want, that is. Which is totally your call, but anyway.."


Rian took another draw of breath, launching into another monologue before Blu could cut her off. "Errrika, I'm not telling you all of this to request forgiveness. I want you to know I gave a lot of thought to my decisions…." She paused. "…well except part about the XO/CO roles for away teams, but the rest of it was pretty sound. Anyway, I stand by what I've done. I have logical reasons for doing the things I did."


"So, any questions? Is there anything else I can help you with?" The Trill flashed her most honest self-depreciating smile she could muster as she waited to see what the Admiral would say….now that Kwai was giving her a chance to talk.

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Uhm....wow.....Just wow!!


I have to say...Blu's dumbfounded on how to answer this...



Wonderful log Rian...can't wait until sim tomorrow night...



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