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EJ Pilot

Homecoming, somewhat?

Sitting at the Klingon influenced table in his quarters Mr. Pilot drinks a raktajino looking over a few padds. "Computer, check inbox messages. Authorization Pilot-Alpha-1-Alpha." The computer replies, "You have 3 unheard communiques." Pilot sat his raktajino down and moved to the computer on his desk and activated the first message.


The message recording:

EJ this is your mother..How are you doing? I haven't been receiving my regular communiques that you usually send. Are you okay? Please make sure you reply back. I want to make sure my son is okay. Your father is well, as am I.


<End Communique>



Pilot pondered for a moment and remembered he had not sent a message to his parents after he was recovered from the Oppo planet. He of course wouldn't be able to tell his mom about the mission he was a Black Ops officer of course, he wasn't sure if she knew that. However, she probably figured with the silence I was more than likely in some type of Special Ops program in Starfleet. He turned back to the computer and played the second message.


The message recording #2:

Son, this is your father. You haven't contacted us its going on 6 days now. You usually don't ever go this long without contacting us. I know I never worry but this isn't like you. Contact us soon. Qapla'.


<End Communique>


Pilot now thinking that his parents are probably furious because they are probably scared out of their wits. They both know the dangers of wearing this uniform. However, a parent will always worry regardless the knowledge possessed about the matter. Pilot played the next communique.


The message recording #3:


By the word of Kahless, if I find out you've been seriously hurt I will have that CO of yours beaten till he is in as much pain as you are, if you are in any pain. Son, may Kahless protect you on your missions and bring you back. I would hate for your mother's heart to be broken because her only son of Solern was KIA during a mission. I hope you reply soon son.

<End Communique>


Pilot looked at his screen he quickly hit the reply button and gave his parents a detailed explanation without giving too much mission detail. He hoped this would be sufficient for them. They didn't know he was on a Black Ops ship, at least he didn't think they did. Pilot sat back to his raktajino and starting drinking it again. I need to take it easy, probably should delegate these tasks to other engineers. Pilot taps onto his console comm, "Pilot to Lieutenant (JG) Cashington, your assistance is required for engineering tasks. I am forwarding the tasks to your inbox copy to padd and complete, that is an order. Pilot out." Pilot for the first time delegated a task I am sure his superiors won't mind this time. He finished the drink and put it in the recycler. "I wonder what happened to the Admiral and is he still indeed our CO? I will find out sooner or later."

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