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Cmdr Ridire

Accounting for an mistake

If anything, K’mras wanted to tear someone’s head off right now. Not that that was unheard of among Klingons, the Klingon’s repuation for violence was quite well justified. The problem is that the head K’mras wanted most to rip off was his own. And it’s not like his crew was to blame nor was the crews of the lost Bird of Prey’s to blame. The blame for this debacle was his, the mistake was his. He had underestimated the mysterious federation ship and it had cost his people gravely. Possibilities of what he should have done...how he should have reacted are foremost in his mind right now. Along side with the near certain conviction that none of those possibilities would have changed things. When the mystery ship had dropped out of warp after attacking the Bird of Prey’s, K’mras should have left them behind and continued after the Enterprise, deciding that the mystery ship would not have time to catch up. But considering the ease that ship dispatched with several fully armed and highly trained crew Bird of Prey’s not to mention the damage to his own ship, K’mras is also sure it wouldn’t have mattered. It would have caught up in time and the situation would have been the same..or worse. Or it would have caught up during his ship’s engagement with the Enterprise. And he had no illusion that the infamous Enterprise would have been an easy kill. They had to know they would be pursued. No matter what other Klingon’s thought of the Federation and especially humans, James. T. Kirk was no idiot and no fool.


The question was how to recover this situation at least to some degree. And where had this mystery ship come from? And how come if the Federation had such powerful ships why is this the first he or any other Klingon had heard of them. No matter what happened, the Council needed to be warned...General Chang needed to be warned.


And that’s when a possibility occurs to him. The possibility that the proper leaders would be warned about Kirk and this mystery ship. He thinks it through for a few seconds, trying to see any flaws in the logic behind that possibility. He glances at the helmsman and barks “Helm, alter course directly for the planet Khittomer.” He then whirls to face A’ragif and says “I want all remaining warp capable probes launched. Dump the ships log into all of them. Half of them I want launched into various directions into the Empire. The remaining...the remaining I want launched towards Khittomer. Those I want to be the fastest probes we have.” He turns to face the screen again. It would be a good day to die, if that was his fate....but the Empire would not fall because of his error. It would be warned. He could only hope that it would succeed...and that his house nor the houses of those who served with him would not be damaged or destroyed because of his mistake.

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