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Ne craignez pas le moissonneur

It had been nearly a day since Kansas woke up. Matt had been by her side the entire time refusing to leave for a moment. The stress of the mission had worn on him but nothing compared to almost losing her. To know that his actions were what caused that thing to grab her. Why her? How did it know that’s what would get him to talk? The fact that he did talk he didn’t care about. If anything he was sorry for disappointing Kansas but that’s as far as it went, as long as she was alive.


Matt continued to sit next to the bio-bed. He wasn’t concerned about anyone else. They were alive and well on the ship, he did his job… for the most part. Even Brutus would pull through. He may have gotten a short circuit but it’s nothing Matt didn’t already figure about him. Someone with that size and ego couldn’t—wouldn’t be taken down so easily. The situation made him think. Why exactly was he chosen anyway? Was there something I missed about him? Didn’t Brutus burn his remaining brain cells on their last trip to Risa? All of it was confusing and he didn’t really care all that much so Matt just shook it off.


Dr. Sloan walked in to the section Kansas and Matt were in. Sloan pulled Matt aside to a private area and immediately he became chilled with fear. “What’s wrong? It’s not about Kansas is it? She looks fine, they said she was going to completely recover.” Matt spoke quickly his voice barely shaking.


Sloan replied that it had nothing to do with Kansas. “It’s Brutus.” He said somberly. “I don’t know what happened to him but he’s not coming around. His nervous system has been completely fried. Everything I throw at him has little to no effect.”


Matt listened but the words weren’t registering, he wasn’t allowing them to. “Wha-what are you saying?”


“I’m saying he’s not going to wake up.”


“What? No, that’s not right, it’s Brutus. He once owned a Yorlian death worm as a pet until you know he squashed it for trying to kill him. He’s not going to let a Borg wannabe take him out like that.”


Sloan stayed silent with his head down.


“Everyone else came through fine he just needs more time than the others. I bet he’s faking, thinking the longer he doesn’t wake up the more down time he gets. He’s a good worker but he does like his playtime. Did you smack him around a bit? I’ve had to do that a couple of times when he wouldn’t wake up for his shift. He’ll just lie there ignoring you until you leave. I caught him one time and he said he just woke up. Then the Yeoman walked out of the bathroom. She was fine too. I understood and let him continue, then I gave him the graveyard shift for a month.”


“Commander.” Sloan said interrupting him. “He’s not going to wake up.”


Matt stopped talking. The doctor was sure about it and Matt had to accept it. They both stood there in silence for only a few moments but what seemed like hours. He didn’t know what to say. His mind had been completely focused on Kansas he wasn’t expecting something like this to happen. Nothing truly terrible ever really happens to anyone so why now and why Brutus?


Matt finally broke the silence asking to see him and Sloan led Matt to his bed. The screen was lit up above his bed displaying vitals and information that Matt had no clue how to read. What he did understand was the slow steady beep heard in the room. They were farther apart than they should have been. The deafening silence was steadily interrupted with each pass.


Sloan left the room leaving Matt standing next to the bed. He looked down at Brutus seeing him for the first time since they were separated on the planet. He’s never seen him like this, utterly debilitated. It was unnerving for him to see Brutus taken down so easily and completely.


Matt stood dumbfounded scanning him up and down powerless to do anything. Matt struggled to say anything but he finally spoke up. “I don’t know if you can hear me, Brutus, but I just want to apologize. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I let this happen. I’m sorry I didn’t come for you sooner— at all. I know I haven’t always been there for you but… Who am I kidding? You’ve stayed in the background the entire time on this ship and that’s my fault. You should have been on more missions, you should be higher in rank, you should have had more responsibility. I focus my time on Kansas I don’t take my job seriously and now you’ve had to pay the price for it. You’re a good officer, one of the best, better than me. You’ve been one of the craziest SOB’s on this ship, man, it’s not going to be the same without you… You’ve been a better friend than I deserve and I’ll never forget you. And no worries, I kept my promise, no one knows your first name and they never will… Yancy.”


Matt held himself at the bed taking deep breaths. He turned to walk away and the beeps stopped replaced by one long unending tone. Dr. Sloan walked in as Matt walked out. He stood in the middle of sickbay looking around seeing the other three core members laughing and chatting, so happy to be back safe and sound.


Kansas sat up in her bed looking at Matt across the room. “What’s wrong?” She said concerned.


At hearing her voice Matt walked over briskly. He grabbed her tight and fell apart in her arms.

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