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Cmdr Ridire

Gift shopping

Aidan stifles a yawn as he steps into the bedroom of the cottage on Pacifica. Slipping out of his clothes he walks into the bathroom and turns on the shower. He lets the hot water wash over him as he muses over the last few hours. Normally he wasn’t particularly fond of shopping and it got to be tiring to him after a while. Still, considering who and what he was shopping for it was easy enough to tolerate. It always bemused him the enjoyment that Deb got out of shopping. And he’s sure that she would have enjoyed this particular day of shopping but she hadn’t gone with him. Not that she didn’t want to go. Just that since he was buying her Christmas and anniversary gifts it needed to be a surprise. And that wasn’t possible if she went with him and had any idea what stores he visited. Even though he’s sure she’ll like what he got her he can’t help but be a little nervous about it. Perhaps that went with the territory of being married. However, a man can’t go too wrong with buying jewelry and perfume for his wife...could he?


Miffed! That pretty much summed up Deb's attitude when she found out she wasn't included in Aidan's shopping plans. He knew how much she enjoyed walking around the stores, even if she didn't spend a single credit. There were so many items to see and it wasn't like she had access to very much while hidden away on Reaent or some remote station. She had to take advantage of shopping opportunities whenever they presented themselves....and Pacifica presented a grand opportunity.


It wasn't until a few minutes before Aidan left that she figured it out. He was probably shopping for something special....for her! The holidays were coming up and so was their anniversary. Her "miffyness" was immediately replaced with a minor attack of panic. She needed to get him something too! She hadn't given it any thought at all...had no idea what he would want or even like. This would require some investigating and careful planning. She'd start the process while on the beach, waiting for Aidan to return.


It didn’t take Aidan long to find Deb after his shower. He brings a couple drinks down to the beach and sets them down on a small table placed there. He leans over and kisses her warmly. Breaking it off, he murmurs “You seem to be enjoying yourself.”

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