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John the Ripper


Hello my fellow Trek lovers, I'm new to this place and this is the first time I've done anything like this. Is there anything important I should know (other then the stuff I can find in the help section), like how to make a character?

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I've been trying to log in to the starfleet acadamy chatroom but it keeps telling me that my username or password is invalid. I'm using the exact same username and password I registered with so I can't see a problem. My membership here is useless if I can't join any of the games.

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Hey, John, and welcome to STSF!


The How To Sim page on our website, as well as the Tips from the Moose on the Forums, are a good place to start to get comfortable with how things work here, or you can stop by any of our Starfleet Academy training games (the schedule is here).


Everyone is human in the Academy games, and they run an hour each with (usually) no continuing storylines between weeks, so you don't have to worry about creating a character right now; once the GMs feel you are comfortable with the way the game runs, you will graduate from the Academy and be able to attend one of the advanced games, which is when you can put together a bio.


Hope this helps! Feel free to ask us if you have any questions; we're a friendly bunch. ;)

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Thank you Miss Kent, I've already seen those now I'm just having trouble logging into the acadamy (I've also made a thread about that to {I know I'm slightly pathetic}), I guess I'm a bit too late for it today. I'll have to try for tomorrow.

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If you log into the message boards, there is a button up in the top right corner that says "Live Chat"; if you select that while you are logged into the boards, it should log you into the rooms automatically. ;)


Hope this helps.

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Dear ripper-the word is don,t panic and have fun -STSF-is like role playing just use your imagination ---all you need now. As for character developement -and your character that comes later.....the academy you have a position and plot <The host does that>lets say you are a young doctor on your first mission and you have a chrush on the captain-<think of all startrek shows and go from there>JUST HAVE FUN

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Thank you TKAR (Out of shear curiosity, does that mean anything, or is it just something you thought up out of the blue?) I've never done RPing before, but I have a good imagination so I shouldn't have to much trouble once I get all the rules straight.

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I just figured it would be easier to have these two topics merged... and Welcome, John!

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Thanks after I made the second one I knew I should have posted it in my first thread. You know people here are alot nicer then on the last forum I joined.

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You know people here are alot nicer then on the last forum I joined.


Glad you enjoyed your first academy, John. We've been around a long time - 15 years for some of us ::glance at the Admiral:: and have most of the kinks worked out - emphasis on most ::grin::


Welcome aboard!

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15 YEARS!! I had no idea this had been around for so long, anyway, thank you for making me feel welcome. I've loved Star Trek for years so a place like this is a dream come true esspecially since I can't afford that Star Trek MMO.

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We're nice? Uh oh, you shouldn't have said THAT! Heh-heh


STSF has only been around for 7 years, but many of us were part of another group, on AOL, called SFOL (and some even pre-date SFOL with their Trek simming). It's true, I have been an online Trek RPG host for 15 years now, but I am not the STSF host with the longest tenure. We know what we like, Trek RPG in a friendly, supportive environment, and we have found a way to do that here. We hope you'll enjoy it!

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I definitly will, soon I'm going to observe one of the advance sims and see what to expect. And don't worry about being friendly I have no intention of messing this place up.

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lets say you are a young doctor on your first mission and you have a chrush on the captain-<think of all startrek shows and go from there


Yeah, my character had a slight crush on the division chief, but then he had pon farr and got married. ;) Whatever, anything goes. :blink:

Edited by Leila Kalomi

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We're nice? Uh oh, you shouldn't have said THAT! Heh-heh


STSF has only been around for 7 years, but many of us were part of another group, on AOL, called SFOL (and some even pre-date SFOL with their Trek simming). It's true, I have been an online Trek RPG host for 15 years now, but I am not the STSF host with the longest tenure. We know what we like, Trek RPG in a friendly, supportive environment, and we have found a way to do that here. We hope you'll enjoy it!


Don't let him fool ya. He's older than dirt, and has been around longer! ;)

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Don't let him fool ya. He's older than dirt, and has been around longer! ;)



::will keep his big mouth shut this time.::

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