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It Was The Opportunity Of A Lifetime

It was the opportunity of a lifetime.....one she could never have dreamed possible...and it was totally unexpected. Those were the challenges she preferred most....the ones that suddenly appeared without warning....the more dangerous the better. For those were the battles that brought the most honor and glory, not to mention accolades from the Council.


She craved all of those....honor and glory as well as accolades. A'ragif had scratched and clawed her way up the chain of command from the very beginning of her career. She was from the House of Molar, a minor house at best....one without a distinguished history. It was only through a few well placed bribes that she was able to join the military. But it was her cunning and aptitude that gained her rank and status.


A'ragif was well suited for her position. Unfortunately, competence was not enough. Klingon society was highly politicized and that bled over into the military. Those from the major houses frequently took command positions with little emphasis on training and experience. It was one of the dirty little secrets the generals were forced to accept. But not all of them were willing to capitulate to incompetence. Thus, A'ragif was recognized by her H'oD and quietly promoted. It was practically unheard of for a Klingon female to hold such a rank, much less a female from a minor house.


Not only did A'ragif benefit from the rewards of victory, so did her family. Thanks to her success, the House of Molar was slowly gaining recognition. Life was already much easier for her parents and younger siblings. Two of her brothers were already in military training. They were eagerly accepted...no bribes required. And there would be much glory for A'ragif and her family when their current mission was completed.


The IKS Mek'Vhar was the lead vessel in pursuit of a Federation starship. Not just any ship but none other than the notorious Enterprise. Her jaghla', the one called KIrk and his physician sidekick, had managed to escape imprisonment on Rura Penthe. A'ragif shook her head solemnly. She pitied the poor fool who'd allowed this to happen. The punishment for his incompetence would be severe. If she was in his place, she would do the honorable thing and end her life immediately. Then again, she would never have allowed the Federation renegades to escape in the first place.


Breathing deeply, A'ragif savored the pungent aroma permeating the bridge. The crew was at high alert, anxiously anticipating the upcoming confrontation. She dared a glance at K'mras, the battlecruiser's H'oD. He had been in command of the Mek'Vhar for as long as she had been on the ship. She owed him much. He had offered her opportunities and she had taken advantage of them. It was because of K'mras that she had this rank and position.


His lips curled into a formidable snarl as he met her gaze. She understood his unspoken message. There would be much celebrating tonight. Protocol would be suspended for awhile as the bloodwine flowed freely. K'mras would lead the revelry for a time. Then he and A'ragif would retire for a more private celebration.


She returned her attention to the console in front of her. The Enterprise was dead ahead. Soon, the Mek'Vhar would take its first shot. Then there would be much glory for the Mek'Vhar and her H'oD. And that glory would shine on the entire crew as well. There would be promotions and bonuses and gifts for the families back home. A'ragif found it difficult to control her excitement. After this, she was sure to get her own command.


It truly was the opportunity of a lifetime.

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