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tr'Jeth Dabi

tr'Love Taps

Shortly after the Command staff disbursed from the CT, Torate was in the holodeck training room with Security Technicians Rutian and Senior. Sec Tech Bean was assigned to the Ambassador's every movement and eventually relieved by another security tech. Centurion tr'Jeth Dabi wanted Bean at Main Security while he was training the others. The suite's doors were secured with Centurion tr'Jeth Dabi's personal security code, just in case the techs went running and screaming as if they were scared by a ghost.


The large Rihan was armed with only with the new disruptor, set for 'Tribble Trimming' of course. He hardly had to do much training as Rutian, with her long legs, and Senior with, with his quick maneuvers, were running frantically to try and disarm the beast. Had this been an RSE training mission, only one of them may have exited the suite. However, tr'Jeth Dabi had been fully interrogated on the training procedures set forth by Starfleet, but he clearly knew how to push it right up to the very edge of the envelope.


One shot hit Rutian at her heel, as her boot was smoking. He was amused that even this setting was worth keeping the toy. Senior wasn't quite as amused when Torate purposefully nailed him in the rear, taking out a patch of not only his uniform, but the wears beneath. You could hear each of them yelp when they were hit or even missed calling, "But Centurion, we didn't think we had to contain the Ambassador," and, "but Daise'Security, the Commander even said to let him go," as well as, "Dr Lepage was summoned to the CT, we had to let him out of the TL."


There were no excuses Torate would accept for disobedience, and he kept reminding them that their hides were on the line and how they should be ever so grateful that they aren't in Rihannsu space, as the disruptor would not have been a toy.


Sec Tech Bean's eyes grew wide as Centurion tr'Jeth Dabi returned to his office to assign both of their sorry hides to the CJ for a week's duty cleaning toilets or something worse. He had peered into the holosuite while the training session went on, but all this did was proof to Bean why he was NOT required to train, and why the video feed was turned off for this session. He was smart, he didn't record a thing and didn't make a move or utter a syllable when Dabi came through.


Once the doors shut to Dabi's office, Bean smiled knowing that Torate tr'Jeth Dabi, for the first time he'd know about, was also.

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