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Cmdr Ridire

Future Plans

Aidan walks out of the house and down to the beach towards a large beach umbrella propped in the sand. Stepping into the shade of the umbrella he sets the two drinks he's carrying down on a small table and then stretches out in one of the beach chairs. He glances over at Deb, who is laying in the other chair and smiles bemusedly. "I hope m'lady doesn't mind it if the waiter sits down and gets some time and some rest in the sun as well?"


Deb slowly lifted her sunglasses and peered at him with a mischievous grin. "Well," she drawled. "Now that you mention it, you have performed rather well today. So, yes, by all means, sit and relax." She reached over and picked up one of the glasses from the table and took a quick sip. "Oh, this is excellent," she said, obviously pleased. "Exactly what's in it?"


He shrugs "It's a blue hawaiian actually. And yes, it does have some alcohol in it...well what the replicator uses for that. And I told it to go light on it." He smirks faintly "Pretty sure I don't want my wife getting blitzed on me."


"Thanks for that," laughed Deb. "I'm sure it wouldn't be a pretty sight."


He takes a sip of his drink and watches her for a minute. "Speaking of Hawaii, or actually anything tropical, I had an little idea. For some point down the road."


Debbie took another sip or two before reluctantly returning the glass to the small table nestled between the chaises. She swung her legs over the side of the lounge so she was facing her husband. "What about Hawaii?" she asked casually. "Do you plan on visiting there and learning all of their secret drink mixes?"


He chuckles and turns on his side facing her. "Something a bit more serious. We seem to have a fondness for the tropics so was wondering, just as thought right now, if somewhere tropical would be where you want to retire to. When we do, sooner or later."


His remarks took her by surprise. He was right about their fondness for tropical environments. They seemed drawn to the sea and balmy weather. But their vacations always included one defining element.... privacy and there were a lot of holiday locales in tropical areas where one could be assured of that.


Deb cherished those quiet times in the warm sun when she and Aidan could be alone....really alone. There was very little privacy on the ship. Even while tucked away in their quarters, they were always on call and there were frequent intrusions into their small, private world. It wasn't like that here...or at any of the other tropical spots they'd visited. But those visits had never been for more that a few weeks.


Pushing her sunglasses onto the top of her head, she studied her husband's expression. He was serious about this and, again, she was a little surprised. For some reason, she'd always thought he would prefer to live closer to his family. And Ireland did not offer anything remotely resembling a tropical climate.


She canted her head to the left and grinned. "What about your family?" she asked, maintaining an even tone. "I thought you might like to settle down somewhere close to them."


He shrugs "Well I want to live on Earth, yes, and as long as it's not colder than Ireland, I'd be fine. And I'm not ruling out settling down in Ireland. However, it's not like, to use two examples, Hawaii or the British Virgin Islands are that far travel wise from Ireland and my family. Nor your family for that matter. What I want most is someplace, with at least a little privacy, that's a good place to grow old with my wife and to raise my children, if she blesses me with any. And I guess someplace where we can see to our careers after Starfleet. I'm assuming you're going to continue with a private medical practice and I'd probably find something for myself as well. So if a tropical place fits those criteria I think we should consider it. Or do you think you'd get tired of living in the tropics all the time?"


Get tired of this? mused Debbie silently. Is he crazy? But after pondering the idea for several seconds, she wondered if he could be right. She had never lived in a tropical locale. Her only visits to such locations were for short periods of time....their honeymoon and a couple of vacations. Was it possible they could grow weary of a balmy climate bereft of seasonal change?


Deb rested her hands on her knees and gazed at the small waves lapping at the shore line. "Speaking for myself," she began slowly, "I wouldn't mind settling down somewhere...tropical. But on Earth, it might be difficult to find such a place that isn't already overcrowded." She looked at Aidan and smiled ruefully. "Privacy might be something of a problem. Then again, if we have children, I'm not sure it would be a good idea for them to grow up in isolation like this. I'm not suggesting we live in the heart of a megalopolis but we might want to think of locating in an area where there are a few people to socialize with. And it might be easier to find employment as well." She grinned mischievously "If we ended up somewhere like Pacifica, I probably wouldn't work another day in my life."


"Well, I was in Hawaii for a vacation during my academy years and there are places there that aren't what I would call overcrowded. It's not like all tropical areas on Earth are overcrowded. And I'm sure we could find someplace for ourselves. And you're right, I'm not after complete and total privacy." He smiles mischievously "I'm not interested in becoming a hermit even if sometimes my wife does..provide reason enough to desire that. And you're right, it would probably not be good for any children. Though do you think we wouldn't have any?" If we somehow did that I think your grandmother and my mother would be somewhat annoyed at not having grandchildren to spoil don't you think? Among other reasons." He shrugs and adds "I think we should live where we want to and it's someplace tropical then that's fine with me. As long as we're happy does the locale matter?" He reaches across and brushes a hand against her face. If anything his tone grows more mischievous as he asks "And if we stayed here, why wouldn't you work another day in your life?"


"I wouldn't be able to tear myself away from the beach," laughed Deb. She picked up her drink and took a couple of sips before again relaxing on the chaise. "Who wants to work when you can spend the day like this."


She pulled her sunglasses down over her eyes and breathed in the fresh salt air. "I'd never considered living in a place like this," she continued. "But I wouldn't object." She looked over at Aidan and shrugged. "I always thought you'd rather live closer to your family. You must admit, Ireland is beautiful."


"You might, however, get a bit tired of dealing with me all the time in such a situation." He says teasingly. His tone sobers and he shrugs "Ireland is beautiful and yes part of me does want to go home. But in today's modern age it hardly takes much time traveling from point to point on earth. At any rate, I'd like to keep Hawaii or some place like it in consideration. Besides, it's not like we need to make a decision now. Might be a while till we decide to retire and move on to a more peaceful life." He adds wryly "Well..peaceful until we add children to the mix."


"Then we'll put a tropical locale at the top of our new list," replied Debbie, returning her gaze to the expansive ocean in front of them. The tide was coming in and the waves were slowly creeping closer to their little hideaway. "But remember, when you live close to family, you can take advantage of the free babysitting services grandparents are always willing to provide." A slight grin appeared as she thought of Aidan dealing with a couple of young children. He just thinks it's tough running a starship, she mused choosing to keep that to herself.


They sat quietly for a few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts. Deb found a little difficult to imagine life after Starfleet. It was such an integral part of her. Even as a child growing up with her grandparents, Starfleet had always been there. She was beginning to realize how complicated it would be to walk away from it. "What if we don't leave Starfleet?" she asked, not daring to look in her husband's direction. "What if we request permanent ground assignments....and they send us to a place like Minnesota?"


He glances at her and shrugs. "Minnesota? I'm not sure. I grew up relatively near the ocean and even though I've lived half my life now in a different sort of ocean, I still like the ocean. Besides I don't think I'd want to be somewhere that tends to be colder then Ireland." He tips on his side and studies her. "The one problem I see with remaining with Starfleet is that we still run the risk that one, we could be reassigned somewhere off planet at anytime. And two, if a war happens we'd still be under obligation to serve and that runs the possibility of being stationed on a ship of the line and possibly separated." He stands and moves to lean over her and kisses her warmly. Staring down into her eyes he murmurs "And I am most sure that I don't want to risk that." He moves back to his chair and stretches out on it. "Now, I may decide to perhaps teach at the Academy as a civilian. But my intention and preference is to leave Starfleet. I found a most compelling and beautiful dream..a new one, one that I want to live."


He was right about the risks of remaining in Starfleet. Even after they officially retired, they was a remote possibility one or both of them could be recalled to active duty should a serious emergency arise. That would be stressful enough if it was just the two of them. But they'd pretty much agreed they would maintain the status quo until they decided to start a family. A forced separation like that would be much worse if there children involved and Debbie was inclined not risk that.


She looked in his direction and smiled. "Okay, when the time comes, we'll resign. There's no reason to tempt fate" Deb pushed herself out of the lounge and moved over to Aidan's side of the umbrella. Motioning for him to move aside, she sat down and grinned. "And I have no objection to living in a tropical climate. But when I choose to spend more time on the beach than at work....don't say I didn't warn you."


He smiles and reaches a hand up to brush against her arm. "My wife, when we retire, may do as she pleases. If she works or not is her choice." His smile goes mischievous as he adds "Though as I said before, perhaps she might want to consider if she wants to deal with me all the time. Though admittedly, if we do retire to somewhere tropical and she decides to spend a lot of her time on the beach there is definite....benefits to me in that arrangement."


Deb rested her hands on his bare chest and smiled playfully. "I don't intend to sit around all day eating bonbons. I probably will find something to do in the medical field, at least part time." She leaned over and kissed him on the tip of his nose. "But putting up with you all day sounds like an interesting challenge, " she continued lightly. "I find myself looking forward to it."


He smiles and slips his arms around her. He murmurs "I would hope so. Wouldn't want to think that you'd get bored of me. Have rather come to like your touch, among other things." He brushes a hand through her hair before adding "And agreed, we'll keep a tropical locale at the top of our list." He leans up and brushes his lips lightly against hers. "But I think that's enough serious discussion for right now."

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