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Kasta Riap

Unfamiliar Environments

It was a clear sunny day, walking among one of the most peaceful peoples in the galaxy on his lunch break.


Welcome to hell, thought Kasta.


It was hot, very hot. Even in the shade heat still radiated out from the sandstone rocks and hills the settlement was situated in. Not the most pleasant place to reside if you grew up on an iceberg. Finding something to eat was as equally traumatic to his system. He was an unashamed carnivore. Meat was tasty but there was none to be found here. Kasta appreciated the Vulcan sense of logic and peace but otherwise there could not be a more opposite group of people from his own in the galaxy.


Resigning himself to his lot Kasta found a seat at what seemed one of the more popular eateries that had established itself here. It was still nothing more than a large tent. Inside the proprietor made use of the naturally formed flat topped rocks as tables. Chairs were a mixed set from varied sources but grouped in logical pairings by color, size, and design. A man and two women worked busily behind a long flat rock preparing the orders for waiting customers. A board leaned against the long rock serving as a menu, written in Vulcan script of course.


Kasta found a seat at a small rock table on the edge of the tent. He peered quizzically at the board trying to pick out any familiar words but more attempting to draw the attention of any helpful wait staff. Oh yeah, and it was still hot, very hot.


"If I had a sense of humor this would probably please it very much." Kasta turned towards the familiar voice. He knew who it was but it took a moment for the image before him to match up with the memory of his former senior officer. The Vulcan female's hair was long and blond. A light sandy brown robe open at the sides covered what otherwise was a simple off-white jumpsuit. A short sash with Vulcan script embroidered down the center hung over her left shoulder and a choker with a single bluish stone at the center wrapped around her neck. It was quite a different sight than the face inside a polar suit he'd known for nearly six months on that Klingon block of ice.


"If you truly had no sense of humor you would not have hinted at the irony of the situation." Kasta said with a smile. Sotova arched a brow and for a moment it almost seemed like the edges of her lips twitched as if holding back a smile of their own. Waving his hand towards the other chair, "Please, have a seat. You can help me order."


The two sat for a few moments in idle conversation about the finer details of a vegetarian menu and now were eating their salads, which were not all that bad, though Kasta still made of point of not admitting such. "So, how are things going here," Kasta asked.


"We are settling in peacefully."


"And the logic of holding back information from me is?" Riap paused expectantly. Sotova didn't look up as she took another bite of her salad. "I understand your people's desire for privacy. My people share it. Ignoring help however is not logical and pretending everything is fine borders on some type of psychosis."


Sotova sat her fork down gently, her eyes still downcast. "There are difficulties. The social patterns that support much of our way of life have been destroyed." She spoke with careful and deliberate wording as if one wrong syllable could cause a landslide of emotional failure. "Many methods of emotional suppression are gone. Some have turned to more extreme alternatives to cleanse the last of their emotions but are unprepared for such rigors. The worst of emotions; fear and uncertainty are the most pressing on our defenses. Most of our people are managing the adjustments needed, but not all. We must return to a semblance of our social order soon to restore the balance."


"Security on my ship seemed concerned about contraband items. Normally that would mean pleasure inducing medications and compounds. I would assume the abuse of emotional suppressants should be their real focus?"


"Indeed." Her eyes finally rose to meet Kasta's gaze. "There are those desperate enough for control over their feelings to take such dangerous measures."


Kasta looked deep into her eyes for a moment. "I would ask you about your own dealings with emotional control if this were not such a public place. Perhaps a private walk later." Quickly changing subjects before she could react, "There are other things we should talk about anyways."


Sotova's eyes closed for a moment as she refocused herself. "Yes, there are." Reaching up she gently touched the stone within the choker she wore. The casual act hid the activation of an acoustic jamming field and sound wave canceling device. The field would prevent local recording devices from transmitting and produced a destructive negative image sound wave beyond a few feet rendering their speech inaudible.


Touching his communicator Kasta activated a similar device. Then, he drew out a tiny book from his pocket with gold Vulcan calligraphy on the cover. The whole thing was not more than 10 centimeters long and looked like a prayer book of some type with a light gold and silver chain attached to the spine. "The book is from me." Kasta smiled. "The data is in the chain. Third link from the clasp. It's as complete a list as we have of Romulan agents that might attempt to infiltrate this colony. There is also a list of Vulcan ID files we know have been compromised and might be used for false passports."


"My position in the emigration ministry will give me access to compare these with those who arrive legally. My agents will take care of any others." She took the book and chain and slipped them into an inside pocket of her cloak.


"So, I guess you changed your mind about retirement?"


"My original intent for returning to my people can not be fulfilled as I wished."




A visible wave of emotion crossed over her face followed instantly by the tightening of muscles to bring such a display under control . "I have a condition in which I can not bear children. It is illogical to retain my mate while I search for a cure so I have loosed him from our bond." Her eyes darted away looking at nothing and avoiding contact with anyone. "We are too few in number now to waste such time. I have little of value to give to my people except my former training."




Her eyes turned to Riap. "What?"


"If you have to go dabbling in emotions on me why not try hope. The totally illogical, over emotional belief in hope. The hope that you can find your place, you can make that difference, you can do for your people what no one else can do. It is just as illogical as despair... but easier to deal with."


"Are you attempting to shame me back into line?" She regained some of her composure though the line was still taut that she walked.


"Shame would be an emotion as well. Come. Maybe we should have that private walk now. Show me around your new home here."

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