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CMO Log - New Vulcan

( Part 1 : First Thoughts )

T'Aral left the briefing satisfied with her department's direction, though curious about the emphasis that seemed to be put upon security. Perhaps it was merely her perception, but those charged with security seemed to be focused on the movement of contraband into the new colony. T'Aral had trouble with the idea that such a focus was necessary: the colony was Vulcan - the desire for any kind of illicit substance was minimal.


For her own part, T'Aral was much more concerned that the colony receive the supplies directed to it. As she saw the situation, it was far more likely that smugglers and thieves would see an opportunity to obtain expensive power generators and other materials for black-market resale, or in other ways extort money from the colony for needed resources. Surely greater attention was needed there ...


Within a turbolift, T'Aral's head twitched as she cleared her thoughts. She was a medical officer and a priestess: she had no experience in security matters. There were, no doubt, factors and matters that she was not familiar with. Her superiors were experienced and the security staff were skilled in their jobs - while she felt the need to speak her mind, it was inappropriate to interfere further. She had her own assignments, and needed to focus on that.

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( Part 2: Preparation )


... "Initial results indicate that the standard Starfleet full-spectrum viral innoculations are effective against this planet's native pathogens. Care should be taken, however, to minimize risks until that hypothesis has been thoroughly evaluated. I will be making the request of the Sciences department to follow up with this concern - your full cooperation is necessary.


"Ground support for the colony's Medical facilities will be performed in shifts. One LNP and one attendant nurse shall be on the ground at all times. The surgeons will remain on board: if your skills are needed, they are best applied where your tools are established. I will be taking the first shift so that I can directly determine what further support can be provided. All medical staff are to carry emergency pharmecutical kits, a medical tricorder, and a communicator at all times during our stay. As of this moment we are on a constant state of on-call.


"Are there any questions at this time?" Looking about, T'Aral noted an absence of inquiries. "Very well. Do not hesitate to contact me if clarification is required." With that the medical staff was dismissed, and T'Aral returned to her quarters to collect her travel pack. It was a small bag of clothing and needed items: anything needed professionally would be transported by the crew. There was also one separate item, and now that the Captain had ordered her to support planetside efforts, it could be delivered personally.


With duffel, tricorder, kit, communicator, and a box in arms, the Vulcan made her way to the transporter. As she did so, she noted the stares that followed her while she walked through the corridors. So many eyes: some with sympathy, some searching for reactions, some just watching ... it would be good to be on the planet for a while, interacting with her own kind. The humans' response to the situation was to be anticipated, and T'Aral was not offended by it. All the same, they kept watching her; waiting for something that would make her stumble, for her to show her feelings.


Feelings were irrelevant: being sad or breaking down under the strain would not bring Vulcan back. Shedding tears would not raise the dead to life. Far too many outsiders would be watching: expecting, even pushing to have the Vulcan race lose what dignity it posessed in the face of tragedy. How little they understood: if the Vulcan Way failed them now, the Vulcans would face far more than a simple matter of embarassment. They would revert to chaos, and the race would destroy itself in anarchy.


As she stepped onto the transporter platform, T'Aral found herself in a state of peace. This would not happen: she had read it in her communications with T'Lar - there were enough of them who knew the truth. There were enough to remain dedicated to the Vulcan Way, and thereby enough to hold their race together. The colonists knew what was at stake, and what was needed of them. They would survive, they would grow, and once again the Vulcans would return from the brink of extinction. It had happened before, and they were saved through the discipline of Logic. Logic would save them again.


"You may energize."

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( Part 3: Encounter ... )


"Excuse me: I am looking for Leutenant T'Aral."


The calm, even voice was the CMO's first indication that a long-awaited visitor had arrived. Stepping out from a back room, she nodded to dismiss an attending nurse. "I am T'Aral." With that simple statement she gestured to a back room, where the visitor followed.


T'Lar of the Vulcans was not one to be guided lightly. Due to their circumstances, she was one of the few members of the priesthood remaining. Of them, she was one of the most senior. "You honor me with your presence. I was expecting an attendant."

T'Lar walked about without facing T'Aral directly. "As much as I trust those who are on this journey with us, in these times it is best not to court temptation." She stepped over to a simple box. "Is this it?"

T'Aral nodded. "A stone of Seleya: it's authenticity is carefully documented." Documentation was not needed for her: she had taken the stone from the mountain herself. However, she had felt it would be beneficial to have a tricorder record of the event. Now she was a keeper of an artifiact, if only for a brief time. Yet as soon as it had begun, her time was over. The stone would go with T'Lar now; an icon for their people to keep in rememberance of a world now gone. As T'Lar gathered it up, T'Aral felt a moment of hope - perhaps she wouldn't ask ...


"So, T'Aral: you have resigned your comission?"


T'Aral sighed: she had asked. "No, T'Lar, I have not."

The priestess looked as if T'Aral had tweaked her nose. "Surely Starfleet can find another doctor? You are one of the few of our order remaining."

T'Aral was grateful that T'Lar had remained calm. "Perhaps not. My training is not of a typical level for a chief medical officer, but due to an absence of qualified canidates I was given the position. For me to leave would be to cause my captain difficulties: complications which she does not need, and which would create problems for Starfleet. Under the circumstances we should avoid conflict with Starfleet, agreed?"

T'Lar nodded, but remained firm. "Your position is logical, as is mine. We will need to debate this at length and in privacy. Will your captain allow this?"

T'Aral relaxed slightly. "I believe so. I have put my staff on a rotation: soon I will have free time I will contact you." As T'Lar nodded and left with the stone, T'Aral leaned against a corner to rest. The conversation went better than she anticipated, but it wasn't over ... not in the least.

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