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Which way do we go?

JJ poured over the starcharts and maps of Klingon space. There was an odd juxtaposition of stealth and historical issues that he had to navigate around, which made this assignment tricky.


First off, he took a quick look at where they sat. They sat 3 days from Qu'vat, 1 day from Rura Penthe, and 2 days from Qo'Nos. The closest point to the Federation was relay 6, which sat about 4 days away.


Now, logic would dictate that one would want to take the quickest path out. However, history argued against logic in this instance. A straight path to relay 6 or Korvat would take them straight through a path of a between a large portion of the Klingon population and Khitomer, the site of the upcoming peace treaty. If they were to head that way, they risk crossing the path of some heavily armed Klingon vessels heading towards the Khitomer accords. Yet it was still an option.


The next option was to take a path coreward, direct to the star of Beta Thoridar which was past Khitomer. From there, they'd be extremely close to relay 9 or 10, or if need be, could seek shelter in the gases of the Azure Nebula.


There were other options, of course, but JJ believed that those were the best two. He had had his 5 minutes to come up with his options. It was now time to present them to the Captain and let him make the final decision.

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