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Joe Manning

Mission Briefing

Lieutenant Commander Jeff Eastwood was not one of Starfleet's brightest ranking officers, which was why he was given one of the easier commands in Starfleet. Lightly travelled waystations like Starbase 215 were low-maintenance assignments. Managing the day-to-day operations of a light crew, keeping things calm and peaceful between merchants and travellers in the commons section, and making the crews of passing ships feel comfortable while their ships received service were among the undemanding duties which were well suited to his outgoing personality. Rebel Klingon attacks and the stirrings of the Gorn Hegemony were close enough for rumors to be carried to him and his crew, but distant enough to be of little concern. Nothing of any importance or excitement ever happened on or near 215 -- not the way Eastwood preferred it, but Starfleet Command was not about to put him in charge of a post where critical decisions needed to be made.


"Control Center to Commander Eastwood!" a voice blurted over the aging Lieutenant Commander's commbadge. He sighed and put down his fork.


"Eastwood here. And you know I just got off duty, Shawn, so I hope you have a good reason for disturbing me."


"Sorry sir ... but we have an unscheduled and unidentified craft incoming," Eastwood perked an eyebrow. "It appears to be very small, a personal craft, and it is drifting toward us at sublight speed. ... our scans show two lifesigns on board the craft. It has not responded to our hails."


Eastwood's eyes darted around the crew lounge excitedly. Nothing like this had happened on Starbase 215 since a Klingon targ merchant allowed one of his animals to escape into the industrial section. "Hrm ... I see. And this craft matches no known configurations?"


" ... no, sir. Like I said, it is unidentified," the comm responded. " ... shall I dispatch our runabout to tow the craft in?"


"Oh, yes! Do so." Eastwood grabbed his napkin and dabbed at his mouth before standing and heading toward the door. "I'll head to the runabout bay. I'd like to have a look at this craft myself."


" ... shall I send security to accompany you, Commander?"


"Oh, yes, that would be a good idea."

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