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Ad Infinitum

Ad Infinitum


The team had been separated...split, four of us shuttled and restrained by robots while being stripped naked and placed onto cold steel tables arrayed along with the other numerous occupants...all lying in silent testimony as to what was soon to be our fate.


The robots once having secured us shaved a portion of our heads which was more insult to injury...the cold skull caps being placed upon our heads replete with the various probes that were in place on the others in this dark,cold, Still room...connected to what was apparently the core of this network.


I observed the robots as they withdrew and had tried to gird myself for what was surely to ensue. The initial probing and energy brought a blinding surge of pain likened to ones head being cracked and white hot liquid steel being forced into every possible nook and cranny of the brain. The repeated thoughts of killing the entity or disrupting the network was torn away as if burning ash on the winds.


Memories began to cascade down transparent screens as if being projected from a three dimensional device...my eyes closed tightly as I try to fight the probing and scanning of my brain...noting with each visual reference and memory being brought to the fore it was torn from the screens as if a massive hand sheathed in shadows merely flipped through the translucent pages and colors represented in my memories.


I do recall the pain,and the subsequent ebbing of the fire as the network began to seep into my consciousness at the peripherals of my mind...the probing steady and unrelenting. I could feel the ingress into my reality as the cold...unfeeling tentacles of the machine crept deeper into my mind. I remembered the words of that disembodied voice as it had spoken to us all before the pain and my restrained screams of pain.


I had tried to focus on one ...singular thought as the pageantry unfolded in my minds eye, and that was...kill it. It is robbing you, it is trying to make you part of a massive collective brain or computer if you will. The Borg though a bit more aggressive in their technique at least utilized the entire being,whatever race it may be.


The thought of being disembodied from my self has awakened another unknown possibility as I look around me in my new environment within this enormous collective as it goes about what seems to be a routine progression. I am an engineer...or at least I was I watch as the various colors and energy streams congeal into shapes and forms I have never witnessed on any of my travels, the question what is real...or what is imagined.


I feel the draw of the core...a central bright light of sorts centered within the very middle of my focus. I can actually feel myself resisting the pull, and nonetheless being pulled along a rainbow colored stream of energy along with other streams that appear to many and numerous to count literally " To infinity without end"...perhaps those same paths may show a way out of this colored panoramic maze. End Log...beep! :P

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