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Executive Officer's Log

Executive Officer's Log, Stardate 2385.04.07


Had Dr. Lepage not questioned her, Cdr Chirakis may have told him exactly why she was reaching into the enemy fighter and what she had discovered. However, she divorced herself from him for the time being. He would, no doubt, use his scientific instruments to discover what she had. If he did not and it was relevant later on she would mention it. For the moment she filed the information for future reference, stepped into the bay chief's private shower and hosed the sentient being down the drain where it belonged – and into the central hazmat disposal unit. Over the next hour she would have disposed of her uniform, replicated another, and spent enough time in decontamination to mull over the events of the encounter.


Chirakis Kirel had the same issue with Dr. Lepage that she had with anyone who coddled the enemy. Sentient being or no, the creature was something to be scorned, derided, dispatched and disposed of in as timely a manner as possible.


As for the doctor's comment about being carried off to the enemy's labs, heavily wounded and all they did was stick their fingers into your wounds instead of healing or, if that's impossible, at least letting you die in a dignified manner? She could think of no more honorable way to die than to die under torture at the hands of the enemy. She gave a derisive laugh. Despite her ire she had been merciful, more merciful than the creature had been during its attack on the station; she had released the sentient being from its captors and allowed it to move on to whatever afterlife it believed in, if it had the capability to believe in an afterlife. She suspected it did not.


The being was dead; of that she had made sure. What she had discovered through probing its innards would be a subject for another day. Court martial Dr. Lepage? The thought was ludicrous; she was not about to let the good doctor off that easily. Besides, he was too valuable to lose over such a petty disagreement, an argument over such a despicable mass of flesh and sinew that ever plagued this sector. If anything, she admired him for posturing, for defending his beliefs. She would, however, have to instruct him in the proper method of resolving such issues. Combat perhaps? Bat'leth? She exploded in a hearty laugh at the images it conjured. Surely she'd been in the decontamination unit too long.


A half hour later she entered her office in the Control Tower, the entire incident with Dr. Lepage shelved, but not forgotten. There were more pressing matters to attend to, but before that, a small ceremony. On the corner of her desk sat a curved flask. She filled a glass, paused in reflection, then raised the Saurian brandy in toast to the vanquished.

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