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Joe Manning

Mission Briefing

Date: September 22nd, 2389

Time: 0750 hours

Location: Gandora III

Status: non-alert, cloak active


Tree branches whipped and wildlife scattered as QoB landed in the glade. The tall Gandoran Greywood trees would conceal the ship well, and nosy passers-by would not be likely -- the glade was 400 yards up the foothills of the mountain range which straddled Gandora colony. Even if someone should get close enough to luck upon the sight of the Bird of Prey between the trees, they would get the message that its crew wanted to be ignored. The less attention attracted here, the better.


Several moments later, as a few daring animals returned to investigate just what was causing the large depression in the grass, the Bird decloaked. It was not a pretty sight. Several hull panels were ripped or dented, one of the thrusters was leaking fuel in the wake of the exertion of landing, and the armored car was awkwardly perched between the two upraised wings.


The animals that were not startled by the sudden appearance of the ship were sent away for good by the sound of the cargo hatch opening. The hatch creaked unhealthily as it lowered to the grass, a previously unnoticed effect of the shockwave taken at Cepheus Gamma. One more thing to repair. Commander Mench came down the ramp, followed closely by his Lieutenants and several Bekks. He turned to look at the armored car atop the hull and noticed that the hatch was just a bit wider than the vehicle. This confirmed his original guess -- the car could drive into and out of the hold.


As the crew who were not familiar with this world looked around the glade, Mench walked through the trees to the cliff which overlooked the colony. It was the same as he remembered. A pleasant enough place by outward appearance, like any clean well-kept Federation colony. But beneath the sparkle was the true nature of Gandora -- a colony which operated on the border of Federation territory and Starfleet indifference. Especially since the Dominion War, visitors to Gandora knew that Federation law could often be left in orbit, because there was simply no one around to enforce it.


Footsteps came up beside Mench, and he looked over at Nikita and Sargh. He pointed to the narrow path which ran down the foothills to the colony. "Sargh, you know the way. Go on ahead with Xandra. Nikita, you and Fox figure out the extent of the external damage, then you can join up with Sargh and let him know what you'll need."


"What about you?" Nikita asked. "What are you going to be doing?"


"I'll be relaxing aboard my ship," Mench smirked and turned back toward QoB. "What else?"

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