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OoB: Corsairs of Qo'noS

Let the news be heard throughout the quadrant! The crew of QoB no longer dedicates itself to the Klingon Empire! Their Bird of Prey now hoists the flag of piracy! Openly declaring their contempt for the Klingon Chancellor and his pandering to the hated Federation, QoB now stalks the star lanes of Federation and Empire alike. The plunder (goods AND slaves) taken from raided vessels fuels their new crusade to put a TRUE Klingon of strong heart and spirit upon the seat of the Chancellor and to remove the Federation taint from the Empire.


For the next six months, QoB will host a special extended plotline that will offer players the opportunity to play on the other side of law and order. Participants will not only have the opportunity to play Klingon characters, but also captives that have been pressed into service to cover the crew's frequent losses in raids. With no higher military authority to which to answer, the crew will embark on missions aimed at personal profit. Ships will be assaulted and boarded, their able-bodied passengers either sold into slavery or forced onto the crew. Colonies too far from military protection to expect any help will be invaded and plundered, their commodities added to QoB's cargo hold. And always there will be the ultimate glory that awaits when the very foundations of the Klingon Empire are shaken by the deposition of the Chancellor.


But this new story of QoB concerns not only her mission, but her crew. Do the captives who have been pressed into service in increasing numbers share the lofty aims of the Klingons? With a Human of uncertain loyalties 'loaned' the Captain's chair out of necessity, the dwindling contingent of Klingons find their control over QoB gradually slipping. Will the tensions between Klingons and non-Klingons boil into open conflict, or will the two sides find a common cause around which to rally?


This brief relaunch of QoB began on September 1st. If you're interested in taking part in this new adventure, you may request an application from [email protected]


If you would like to sample the game first, you are welcome to come and watch. QoB meets every Tuesday at 11pm EST. We may even be able to give you a round or two as a guest NPC.


If you would like more information about the relaunch, you may contact [email protected]

Remember, 'argh is Klingon for dread! It is a sound the Federation will soon know well!

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