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STSF Corizon


The bridge of the Luna-class Oberon hummed lightly as the sleek vessel cruised along in a trailing position with the view of the entire convoy ahead of them. In the command seat, Captain Jenny Majesto sipped lightly at her cup of too warm coffee. Mentally making a note to tell her yeoman that she liked it with cream, so she could drink it before the morning reports came in, she looked over to her Vulcan operations officer hunched over the console.


She started to ask him if the situation was normal, before reminding herself that Saven detested the term normal and would then be required to launch in his ten-minute lecture on how normal was a relative term and completely inadequate, illogical and imprecise.


“Status report, Mister Saven?”


The Vulcan looked up and glanced towards the Captain; he was a handsome, sharp figured man and a credit to his race, with logic as sharp as his cheek bones were strong. “Situation, nominal, sir. Nothing new to report.”


She smirked to herself and leaned back in the chair. Same old Saven. She started to inquire to his reading of Ovid, a text she’d loaned him, particularly to judge his response to the ridicule of Apollo and how confounded the god of pure reason was by irrational love—never let it be said I don’t have a sense of irony—then she reminded herself that Saven didn’t like distractions. The thought caused her to smirk even wider, wasn’t she the Captain?


Across the bridge, the doors to the primary turbolift slid open and the slim, lithe figure of a Trill emerged. Commander Azenphin Zynpral sauntered onto the bridge with wavy regulation crop hair bouncing along as he did and a wide smile on his face.


“Captain,” he said boisterously. “I’ll have you know we just completed a true feat!”


Flatly, she looked over. “And what is that, Zyn?”


“Chef finally figured how to make a Cartanian Omlet without burning it.”


Rolling her eyes, she shook her head and went back to reading. “Good,” she said dryly. “I’ve been a little busy reading updates from Command and status reports to venture down.”


“You really should go down and check it out, Jenny. I couldn’t believe he pulled it off, I thought he used a replicator!”


Taking his own seat after fetching a cup of juice from the replicator, Zynpral glanced over to the Captain. In his weaker moments, the softness of her features – from her gentle cheekbones, to her subtle pink lips, and her almond colored hair that always smelled of flowers, made him forget that Majesto was not only his commanding officer, but was skilled enough at hand to hand to put him on his ass with ease. Sighing slightly he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind and concentrated on duty.


“Anything new from Command?”


Majesto shook her head. “Of course not.”


“Admiral Corizon hasn’t been too forth coming either. I have to wonder why he is leading this whole moving target.”


Saven turned in his chair and looked at both of them with a raised brow. “I think it’s rather obvious.”


The Trill and the human glanced to each other before looking at the Vulcan.


This should be interesting Zynpral thought as he lifted a brow, “And what is that, Saven?”


“Clearly someone within the hierarchy believes that this convoy could be a target. It would be illogical to otherwise commit so many of our resources in this sector to guarding a convoy, despite its relative worth.”


Majesto nodded. “I’ve figured as much, though there’s something to be said for not drawing attention to yourself…”


Saven had already turned back to his console and was tapping away, causing both Majesto and Zynpral to exchange smirks.


“Yeah, I’d rather not be part of a moving buffet, if you get me.”


Giving in to the levity of the moment, Majesto put the PADD she’d been trying to read for the last half-hour down on her lap and exhaled. “I just wish that if they’re going to send us out on these kind of runs, they’d give us a better idea of what they are expecting us to run into, and furthermore, I wish the briefings that fleet gave us on these damned aliens was a little more, I don’t know, useful.”


Zynpral nodded in agreement. “I do hope the briefings you see are more helpful than the non-classified reports.”


Majesto shook her head. “They aren’t. They might as well say ‘if you see the Soltans, run like hell,’ for all the good they do.”


Both officers sighed, knowing all too well that Fleet had to keep some information from them, it was just to them that it seemed like maybe Fleet was as blind as they were. With that unsettling thought in the back of their minds, they shook their heads and returned to work.

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