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Joe Manning

Starfleet Intelligence Dossier - Lazarus Mench

Starfleet Intelligence Secure Archives

Database: Wanted Individuals

Entry: kgr-qob4-0049lm


Name: Lazarus Mench, Commander (formerly Private First Class, SFMC)

Current Whereabouts: Kligon Renegade Vessel QoB 4 (Commanding Officer) LOCATION UNKNOWN

Known Aliases: Shadow Fox (SFMC), Albert Richter MD (consult records on Mars, DS9, & Deneb IV)


Gender: Male

Species: Human

Age: 38

Height: 5'10" (1.78 m)

Weight: 190 lbs (86.18 kg)

Hair: Thin, Sand Blond

Eyes: Brown

Features: Multiple facial scars, large scar down right eye, SFMC tattoo on left bicep


Place of Birth: Antiga V-B Colony

Unmarried, mother deceased, father's whereabouts unknown (see mqs-xrk-0283jm), no siblings



Advanced Infantry Training (w/ four instructor commendations)

Advanced Special Operations Training (w/ three instructor commendations)

Basic Combat Engineering Training

Basic Fleet Operations Training

Basic Strategy and Tactics Training

6 month posting to Angel Springs Colony security force (one behavioral reprimand reported by superior)

2 year assignment to 114th MSG (two behavioral reprimands reported, notable activities CLASSIFIED)

18 month assignment to 64th MSA (one behavioral reprimand reported, notable activities CLASSIFIED)

Declared AWOL March 13th, 2384


NOTES: Mench was trained by SFMC Command in tandem with Starfleet Intelligence to act as an independently operative field agent in SFI's Black Web sleeper project (see Covert Ops Project sxx-17a4). His cunning and personable demeanour marked him as a promising candidate for undercover infiltration exercises. His selfish and insubordinate personality, noted extensively in SFMC's psych profiles, were ultimately counterproductive and resistant to conditioning. MENCH IS TO BE CONSIDERED EXTREMELY DANGEROUS



Sighted prior to Wanted status in company of suspected Lyran Belt drug smuggler Goban Kil (nrc-lbop-0028gk)

Believed to have spent three years working for Orion Syndicate, offering training and consulting in addition to employment. Major contacts/supervisors unknown.

Operated under false identification as medical lab technician on Deneb IV colony for three years partly coinciding with Orion Syndicate employment. Activities included theft of pharmaceuticals and procurement of confidential biological research data. Three colonist disappearances, as yet unsolved, MAY have been linked to his activites (xdp-dnb4-0001). Known to have used false ID on Mars colony and Deep Space 9 (consult local records). Operations uncovered, but capture eluded. (see Resolved Cases scm-dnb4-0001lm)

Name and picture located in partially damaged reports uncovered on captured black market trader Vigo (see Hostile Vessels blm-vgo). Reports evidently link him to sale of stolen merchandise and involvement with other unnamed black market vessels.



The current whereabouts of Lazarus Mench were confirmed by reports given by Martin Brochton, owner of the Federation cargo transport Syl's Fortune. Syl's Fortune came under assault by a Klingon K'Vort class Bird of Prey near the Klingon border. Images of the Bird's hull confirm that it was the 4th of the currently known 'QoB clones' (see Hostile Vessels kgr-qob).


Syl's Fortune was boarded by a mixed band of Klingon and non-Klingon assailants. These assailants referred to their leader as 'Commander Mench' and Brochton's description matches that of Lazarus Mench. Mench reportedly taunted Brochton, hinting that he would he brought aboard 'my ship' and made a slave. An emergency aboard the Bird of Prey was reported via communicator to Commander Mench. Brochton's reports of the ensuing conversation suggested that Mench is, in fact, the Commanding Officer of the Bird of Prey. Brochton used the ensuing confusion to prepare his report and imbed it in a distress signal. Contact was irrevocably lost with Syl's Fortune an hour later.


If Commander Mench has, indeed, assumed command of a renegade Klingon vessel, it is a remarkable and unprecedented development. His training no doubt would have served him well in earning status among the Klingons, and our Klingon experts suggest that a sufficiently regimented renegade Klingon crew with long-term objectives (a rarity) might adapt a non-Klingon commanding officer in the absence of a suitable Klingon candidate. What long-term objectives those may be are unknown.


Relevant data from this dossier has been shared with the Klingon Defense Force.

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