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"Love To Love Ya Baby"

"Love To Love Ya Baby"

An Eva Jaz and Richard Hilee production:

Joint Risan shore leave personal log:

After exiting the restaurant and wishing their dinner companions good night, Eva and Hilee ended up alone by the boardwalk. The evening and dinner had gone extremely well in a very different way then the previous alcohol fueled night.


"Eva" Hilee quietly spoke..."I hope you enjoyed dinner I know our friends are really good friends...however when the tension between Faldek and Keb began...I was just waiting for the bomb to drop."


Eva smiled before answering "I certainly had a good time, and technically they are your friends even though I sure hope they will become mine too in time." With a wise look in her eyes she added: "As far as Keb and Faldek are concerned, well if there is something I’ve learned in over 250 years it’s that it is always better not to get involved in someone else’s domestic disputes."


Hilee grinned, taking in that bit of wisdom and replied "I could not agree more my dear. I just hope for the best for them." Changing subject he simply said "The reason I asked you out again,especially seeing that we may have very little time left here is that I wanted us to just enjoy ourselves,and get to know each other better."

Eva listened without talking as he added. "I have very rare chances to enjoy others’ company, with the exception of the engineering staff. And you have brought a very bright light into what is usually a very cloudy existence."


Eva smiled at the compliment. "I have to say that I was expecting a much duller vacation since I came here not really knowing anyone." She grinned before adding "The Romulan probably thinks of you as her new best friend for having taken me out of her sight for the past few days!"


Her usual self having been brought back when she had little chat with her conscience in the luxurious bathroom, she boldly grabbed his hand." As you mentioned we do have so little time left, and I do intend to make the best of it! " Without another word she began walking towards the shore line with Hilee in tow.


The impromptu stroll had taken him a bit by surprise, however he held on tightly to Eva's hand and followed her closely, smiling ,and clearly enjoying the cool breeze wafting up from the sea , mingled with the exquisite and alluring scent from her perfume. Alluring and enticing at the same time. "I will follow your heading" he faux stated, in his best serious voice.


Eva laughed at his answer " Well it's only fair...you've been dragging me around for the better part of 2 days...my turn now!" As they reached the water, she sat down, her toes digging into the wet sand right by the shore. She tilted her head back, eyes closed, enjoying the salt filled air on her skin. When she opened her eyes after a long minute she looked at Hilee with a smile, curiosity filling her eyes. "So why did you bring me a drink, at that forest fire, err I mean bonfire? Young attractive women are not really something Risa is lacking...so why me?"


Hilee took in her beauty, in the moonlit surroundings before answering. "Well to be perfectly frank, you had a glow about you, to me anyway, you stood out from the rest." Sitting down behind Eva and drawing her in closer while looking into the most beautiful stars that gleamed with a truly flashing radiance, "I guess you might say I was smitten right then and there."


"To answer the drink, and other women question…" Hilee felt his throat go dry for a moment. "I had to find someway to introduce myself, and the other women here do not hold a candle to you.”


Eva thanked the sky that it was dark out, as she had promised herself to stop blushing but against her own will she felt her skin burning again. She leaned back letting her head rest on his chest closing her eyes again; she said almost to herself “I’m glad you did..." Feeling herself getting too serious she tilted her head back to look Hilee in the eyes as best as she could. " But you have to stop looking at me like I'm the next best thing since the warp drive " she chuckled softly, before resting her head back where it was before .. " a girl can really get use to that " She rested in silence for a minute or two enjoying the sea, the stars and the company , knowing all too well that moments like that would be scarce once they got back on the ship .


Hilee didn't’ answer right away ,trying to collect his thoughts before saying " Well, first of all, the inception of warp drive pales in comparison to you. "He chuckled a bit, enjoying the moment feeling her warmth,feeling her close to him before adding " I just…well I am a warp and quantum slip stream theorist, I can assure you nothing in this known universe sends my heart and pulse racing as you appear to be able to do with that smile of yours. You are to me the most beautiful woman ,both inside as well as outside, I have ever known.


Eva dug her toes deeper in the sand , feeling quite uncomfortable being the object of so many compliments. It wasn’t something she was used to. Richard continued " I do not intend to end this here on Risa. Oh no...I have found the finest jewel one could find, and I hope we can grow our…" he paused unsure of the words to use "relationship as time goes on."


Eva twisted around to look at him, letting the overly nice compliment slide she started smiling from ear to ear. "I'm pleased to hear you say that since I was scared that with the amount of swamp drinks I had on our first evening together you might have gotten the idea that I was a "what happens on Risa stays on Risa kind of girl."


She looked at the waves before adding "Humans seem to have a bizarre preconception about Trills being, how should I put it, well easy.” Having said that, images of her new chief walking around the beach in what could be describe at best as barely decent attire came to mind. She added in a mocking tone "I must admit that some certainly are."


The exuberance showing on her face spoke volumes. Hilee said "Well just consider me a bit different from some of the others." Thinking back about the bonfire night, he could not hold back a laugh. "Besides it was very interesting to observe the others as they consumed large quantities of real alcohol in various forms".


Looking at her directly in her eyes he added "I assure you I had no preconception of you being easy, just the contrary you conducted yourself accordingly, every inch a true woman and a lady".


Having him say that was a great relief to Eva. Her memory of that evening was mostly lost in a fog induced by the swamp drinks she ingested. She wiggled her way back to her initial position , slipping her hand in his, absently playing with his fingers. She said in a falsely sadden tone. "I guess I can kiss goodbye my plan of seducing you then. After you just told me how correct and lady like I have been up to now. Wouldn't want to shatter that perfect idea you seem to have of me."


Looking down a bit, Hilee said “I was imprinted by you from that very night...and no, I am not easy either. But I am yours for the taking, at your desire."


Keeping a straight face, Eva got up. She paused for a second to brush the sand off her dress. Once done she extended her hand for him to take before adding with a shameless grin "Just so you know, I am expecting breakfast in bed in the morning." :wacko:

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