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C.T. Caine

Memo to Colonel Harper



To: Charlotte Elizabeth Harper, Colonel, Commanding Officer

From: Christina-T'Prinn Caine, Lieutenant (Senior Grade), Chief of Security

Re: Corianis Patrol Team Incident




You have no doubt by now already received a report from Commander JoNs regarding the somewhat chaotic incident resulting from Agincourt Security's latest patrol detachment through the Corianis capital city, which she chose to accompany. As I have some doubts regarding her ability or desire to present you with an entirely objective account of the incident, I would like to submit the following report for your consideration.


Commander JoNs was proud to inform me (and, no doubt, yourself as well) subsequent to the incident that she was responsible for alerting my teams to the presence of an ambush group of rebel workers which was preparing to assault us after we passed beyond a certain point. This alert came in the form of the highly uninformative and distinctly unprofessional instruction, "Move your butts!" and ended up causing as much chaos as actual helpful activity. The end result was a violent engagement which I am entirely certain could have been avoided had our esteemed Executive Officer allowed my teams time to survey the situation and determine the level of threat.


However, this incident resulted not from a desire to allow her officers to do their jobs, nor even from a desire to supplement them (which, though ignorant, might have been forgivable had it been managed with less -- there is no other word for it -- stupidity), but from an action entirely unrelated to the mission objectives. The Commander has admitted to me that she was in the process of pursuing a business interest at the time of the incident (hence her location away from the main team) and my own research would indicate that the business dealings available to one in that section of the city are almost certainly not of the sort admitted to be legitimate.


I don't need to remind you, I'm sure, Colonel, of the sensitivity of this situation, or the difficulty of the task we face in quelling the riots slowly spreading throughout the city. I have admittedly never worked with Marine forces but I am quite sure that your command experience will back up my assertion that one must be able to trust one's team to adhere to the mission objectives.


I am not so foolish as to assume that I can trust any of my team on a personal level, but there is a certain level of professionalism that must be adhered to if we are to accomplish our missions, or even simply continue to exist with all our heads attached. Commander JoNs's actions showed that her first loyalty and concern does not lie with the success or failure of the Agincourt's objectives. Moreover, she has all but admitted that her interests were in fact directed towards an area entirely outside the authority of the Empire.


I trust this matter will be dealt with quickly and with the appropriate level of severity. Please inform me if I may provide any further information that would be of use to you.


Lieutenant (S.G) Christina-T'Prinn Caine

Chief of Security

ISS Agincourt

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Now *thats* what you call a professional memo, Star Trek Mirror Universe Style.


From this moment onward, I will refer to this inter departmental ship memo as The Memo Template for Professional Mirror Boo Yah. Or merely, The Memo for short.


Bring it, Mister Caine.


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Bring it, Mister Caine.


::feral smile:: I firmly intend to, Commander.


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