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Personal Log, SD 10307.01

Personal Log, SD 10307.01


I feel sorry for Hayden.  She's stuck in a less than ideal assignment-- acting as the Federation's mediator between Lilliput and Brobdingnag.  Neither side likes each other; both sides have differing tastes for both music, food, or decor.  For Hayden, it's truly a miserable assignment.  The Lilliputians prefer something akin to Classical, the Brobdingnagians a little more modern.  The Lilliputians are confirmed Vegans, the Brobdingnagians are diehard carnivores.  This summit is going to be a test of nerves; specifically Sis's.  I hope Sickbay has plenty of anti-psychotics for her.  They might keep her on an even keel during the negotiations.


And she's a lot like Dad in her temperment.  The littlest things would set Dad off and, were it not for the moderating influence of Mom, his diplomatic negotiations would have blown up in his face and the Federation would be at war.  ::chuckle:: Whoever thought to move Dad into the troubleshooter slot for the Rhydin Sector must have had an ironic sense of humor.  Dad just loved mixing it up with the enemy and his ship, the Antietam.  I barely remember an incident at Clymestra when he exchanged broadsides with the enemy's flagship--which wasn't much smaller than the Antietam-- before the final blow with the Type XII phaser cannon under the saucer.  I think I was four or five at the time, which means it was just before I started training with Genma.   This time, I hope Hayden will take those diplomacy lessons from Mom to heart.


It's funny being the child of Flag-rank officers.  Mom and Dad would have an argument every so often, and it would turn into one of them trying to pull rank on the other.  And then Mom would get annoyed and end the conversation with "If you're going to be like that, Christopher , then you are going to sleep on the couch.  And don't come crawling to my office because of some little temporal disturbance.  Your command will get the bare minimum of support, as required by regulation."  God, I still get chills when I remember that.  Of course, after that first argument I overheard, the minute I heard them start fighting, I'd try to get out of the house and head over to Ranko's on horseback, or head out to the hangar and try to get some more lessons from one of the mechanics, or get out on the lake on a boat; but some times I wouldn't be as lucky as others, and have to suffer.  Then again, as I remember it, I was usually the subject of the argument and was unable to make my escape any way.  


The one incident that sticks out is when Mom and Dad got into it over my, um...betrothal to Xian Pu.  Dad wanted to honor it for political reasons, Mom wanted to nullify it since Dad had already engaged me to Ranko.  After hearing them fight for the better part of two hours, I decided to step in and end it by telling both of them that "it was my own damn fault to begin with, because I intercepted the kiss that was meant for Ranko.  So let me deal with the damed consequences."  I stormed out of the house, got on Khelban, and headed into the woods.  That really put my knickers into a twist.


And of course, I'm living with those consequences now.  I have two fiancees that are quite willing to marry me, and become sister-wives, especially since they both love me.


And if Hayden doesn't screw up, I'll be able to live long enough to reach the wedding.  Surviving the honeymoon...That's a different story.




((AN: All references to "Mom" refer to Lilliana Gunji, Hayden's mother and Will's step-mother.  She's really the only mother Will's had since his parents divorced.))

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