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Hocine Bibo Aut In Eum Digitos In Servo?

Hocine Bibo Aut In Eum Digitos In Servo?


Personal Log: Hilee,Richard,B.,Lt.Cdr.,Aeng, U.S.S. Manticore NCC-5852-A


This has been an excellent start to a much needed shore leave for the crew of the Manticore,and a chance for relaxation ...blow off some pent up steam and negative perspectives.


The meet up with my fellow officer and engineer Ej has been opportune and could not have been timed more perfectly. Meeting Ej on the pier entrance while looking at the heavenly bodies that abound on Risa was pleasurable indeed. I had actually suppressed a chuckle when the expression on his face turned from his usual somber appearance to one of delight as I explained my reasoning for the comment of this place being a target rich environment.


The trip to the Ancient Mariner was interesting and revealing as it as well gave some insight to Ej's persona...the delight and almost boundless excitement as he browsed through one of the best collections of fine spirits this side of the neutral zone. Introducing him to the owner Joseph,or just Joe for short led to an impressive personal order for himself as he loaded up on preferred Kligon type beverages...all with a discount from Joe of course.


I put together my own list and order for personal use and had it beamed to quarters along with Ej's. The next order was for the impromptu beach party we had in mind for the crew, To say the least I am grateful for my cousins influence and personal dealings with Joe as well as footing the bill for this occasion as a personal favor to me. He did mention though he was expecting an arrangement in return...something along the lines of the "Pipes" was referred to in the conversation. If I did not know Eagle was a blood relative I would have to swear he is part Ferrengi as he seems to have gone all business and profit on me.


The additional physical assistance from Ej has proved valuable as well...the curious looks as we brought covered grav lifts after grav lifts onto the beach near the pier and jetties and began setting up for what is looking like a very nice party indeed. The fireworks were a bit more difficult as the local vendor had so large of a selection to choose from..well following the vendors advice and the crew he sent to set up the displays it has gone pretty well with the one small exception of one of the drunk tourist decided to place a giant sparkler in his hair and pose like some kind of statue. The ensuing fire he started in his mane was impressive indeed...and I am almost sure the fire extinguishers they chased him with as he ran down the beach finally were able to put him out.


Looking down the beach as Ej has started the Logs to fire for the bonfire...logs mind you,not branches,no....logs, Apparently Klingons think bigger is better when it comes to flaming piles of wood. I can see some of the crew approaching as other curious and the fun loving visitors,and lovely ladies have begun to gather. I have started the portable music player...and the beach party music the music vendor described as "Reggae" and "Polynesian" have prompted some of the people to begin dancing and enjoying themselves. The booze has been flowing as others have joined in the festivities on the beach...Booze indeed, No syntheol here...thank the stars.


The caterers have arrived and setup the local seafood smorgasbord to consume,along with other various forms of epigastria delights. Taking time to just simply watch and observe the pleasure and festive expressions on the groups faces as they are partying hardy is a delight in itself,The cares and concerns of duty having been slipped for a brief period of time. I find myself actually wishing Eagle were here to enjoy this night on the beach under this exquisite Risan sky and the awesome view of the dual full moons over the Azure waters of the sea...he would enjoy this festive atmosphere as well I am certain. I do worry about him at times as he has been through quite a lot over the years..the loss of his beloved wife T'Linna was very painful I know all to well.


The thought occurs to me though he has additional responsibilities as well now other than just business and the Arcadia, He has the "Twins" to deal with and raise...my wee cousins now added to his plate...to think he has become the responsible one in the family. I must have had the appearance of brooding as one of the lovely vixens so scantily attired came over and offered...well a long walk on the beach...and whatever else might happen, I regretfully had to turn her down as she was having difficulty even standing as she asked which one of me was real,She said there were three of me.


Directing the young lady to a nice soft beach towel and other willing company I proceeded to the spirits table for a refill of a simple scotch whisky...where I was promptly met by a certain Kligon friend with a large glass in his hand ,sporting a big grin as he offered me a glass of what he described proudly as a new drink he had "engineered" from various drink formulas listed in the drink catalog while we were perusing through the Mariner. Taking the glass and giving it a quick look over...and sniff ,He explained it was a blending of a drink known as a mudslide,swamp water,or mud water, the names escape me now.


The drink Ej has offered appears to be congealing in the glass as we converse...I had to jokingly inquire..."Do I drink this or stick my fingers in it"..and simply eat the drink. Apparently the joke was lost in the moment...well anyway I graciously accepted the drink and thanked him for the effort. The flavor of the mixture was actually not bad at all...and went down rather smoothly, perhaps a bit too smoothly as the effects of the all alcohol combination has begun to creep into my consciousness from the periphery....what the hell, "I'll have another my large Kligon friend" I seem to recall saying...watching as he smiled and toasted with his own ,downing his in what must have been one huge gulp.


The chartreuse colored shrimp and crabs,and the purple lobster are to die for...my compliments to the chef's .Watching as Ej....weavingly has set upon mixing us up another one of those excellent, whatever they are I find some of the more borderline appearing partiers of the female persuasion have some how magically had their beauty enhanced. Beauty ...indeed...that reminds me I need to remember to give my friend Cdr.Faldek and his lovely bride to be their pre-wedding,wedding presents should they find their way to this party. Finding ones way to this little shindig should not be any problem as the bonfire my friend has built could easily be spotted from orbit let alone the hotels strung along the shoreline...surely his own curiosity should heed him to investigate.


Again looking on the joy filled faces of those present worth the time effort and expense of this little humble outing. The next few refills of ...the mud drink is all I can think of right now as rational and clear thought seems to be waning a bit...I am as well enjoying the fact and humor of my friend as he is attempting to stand perfectly straight...and not being totally successful at the attempt. I have noticed a few of the ladies present appear to be warming up to him...I am sure he will enjoy the company.


I have not spotted Doug,or Kansas,or the chief ...the Admiral,Co,or Xo yet. I do so hope the messages we left at their hotels were not too cryptic as it would be grand indeed if all the crew were to make it to this little party. I have spotted some of the medical staff and sciences dept. being well represented. The thought occurs to me ...perhaps we should just call up the others and give an invite to a small gathering of friends and those soon to become friends..the trouble is I wonder which of us in this entire group are actually sober enough to articulate the words without it coming across as slurred gibberish...I know in my mind the words are good,however there seems to be a problem with the words as they issue forth. Oh well...Bon Festival all...End log. :)

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