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tr'Jeth Dabi

Fighter Memo

And so the memo began…


"To: Daise'Engineer Centurion Jorahl


From: Daise'Security Lieutenant tr'Jeth Dabi


Re: Fighter Inspection


"Upon inspecting the fighters, I have included a list of maintenance items and upgrades that should be fit. I am not having good communication with the maintenance crew and ask your assistance before I… "


Torate was at the security console noticing yet another "incident" with the mechanic on the flight deck. He was surprised that they kept such an unskilled, uneducated person on staff, and saw fit to document yet another alarming incident. He was used to documenting everything and saving it away for an appropriate moment when the time was right to reveal such information and get the upper hand.


He did not feel at this time, that he had enough information to permit such an upper hand, so he want to their boss, Jorahl. The memo continued…


"ask for your assistance to commandeer their services and effect such repairs and upgrades so I can…"


Torate considers his audience, and determines that he does not want to take all the credit and will gladly share with this fellow Rihannsu.


"and upgrades so we can get this pilot program off the ground and keep the station safe from pending threats. Long Live the RSE."


He finished his audible signature and had the computer send it with the list of specs for the maintenance crew to observe when working on the fighters.


The Fighters weren't the only issue tr'Jeth Dabi had to address, a lot of security background checks were coming across his console, so he dug back into them.

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