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A curious question

55 posts in this topic

When is STSF.net's anniversary? I could do up a STSF cake :)

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If you go to the main page, and click on the News link, you can see a timeline of when things were occuring. Well...minus the actual date of the 'Rebel Alliance' meeting, that cooked this whole wacky thing up in the first place..... That ....was and still is... a secret!

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If you go to the main page, and click on the News link, you can see a timeline of when things were occuring. Well...minus the actual date of the 'Rebel Alliance' meeting, that cooked this whole wacky thing up in the first place..... That ....was and still is... a secret!



But But... Thats an Intricate part of the story! Besides I am curious about where the Death Star Plans are :)

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But But... Thats an Intricate part of the story! Besides I am curious about where the Death Star Plans are :)


They're not in R2 (or R4-D5). And, quite frankly, in a most secure location that has even the Empire questioning where they put the key.

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So Thats it!!! I find a little robot and tear it apart for the plans... MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

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Hey there,


Only people that attend Shore Leave are given any clue as to the true nature of STSF...how it all happened, why it all happened, and what will happen in the future.

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Hey there,


Only people that attend Shore Leave are given any clue as to the true nature of STSF...how it all happened, why it all happened, and what will happen in the future.

Oooh, really? I better dig those notes on the cocktail napkins out of my trash. So, the future of STSF involves the waitress at California Pizza Kitchen, sweet!

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Ponders if the name of the group that was the "GALACTIC EMPIRE" that forced the creation of the "Rebel Alliance" would even be revealed on a shoreleave let alone a messageboard. :)




"Whoever said all rebellions were counterproductive was very wrong"

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Hey there,


Only people that attend Shore Leave are given any clue as to the true nature of STSF...how it all happened, why it all happened, and what will happen in the future.


In that case you might want to remove the upcoming event from the forum calendar. :)

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In that case you might want to remove the upcoming event from the forum calendar. :)


I find your lack of faith disturbing...

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I find your lack of faith disturbing...



*chants from the corner* Force Choke, Force Choke, Force choke, FORCE CHOKE...!!

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Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've created. The ability to create a simulation forum is insignificant to the power of the Force

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I try. But note how quickly it's degenerated into a Darth Vader quote board.

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Hey will,


Perhaps you think the thread is being treated unfairly?

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Oh not at all. We'll just have to find new ways to motivate them.

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By now you must know that this thread can never be turned from the Dark Side. So will it be with you.

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AtraGon has taught you well.

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You have controlled your fear. Now release your anger. ::dramatic pause:: Only your hatred can destroy me.

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Thread is lost, forever it will be to Dark Side ... yub yub.

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No Luke! I am your...oh wait


No, A9 tried saying that about half a decade ago at a Shore Leave...the result? I had to get another beer.


I will say that it is...odd. Those that were there in Baltimore in 2002 can attest that the entire concept of making STSF was, in no way, a sure thing. In fact, it was a huge gamble as to whether or not the organization would be positioned to survive long term. Some folks did not like the concept of what we did, though I think most of the "haters" have been gone for awhile now. But to sit back and go "That was 7 years ago...." just blows my mind.

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