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Mission Summary

The USS Republic Crew is under way to a nearby planet, Joy is to locate, For a possible R&R spot. A spot free of firing weapons, man eating plants and any of the races we have recently encountered.


A department head meeting was held on the bridge. Admiral BluRox gave out pats on the backs for a job well done on the last mission and advised the Chiefs that the crews under their watches would be getting commendations in their personnel files. It was also a time that all of the chiefs had a chance to fill in Admiral BluRox on what was going on in their departments.


Fiona informed Kania that she wished a shift change in order to work with the others shifts as well as finish up a few of her own pet projects. The shift transfer was approved as well as Kania asking Fiona to have her newest medical officer begin work on the annual crew physicals. It was that time of year once more and HQ was wanting reports.

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