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Aliana Lucindak

In the shadows, an after diner stroll

The dinner with Aliana, Leilani, and the Doctor had pretty much gone smooth. Le Morte had kept his normal cool nature during their friendly banters.


This had not changed his opinion of the doctor or her caustic attitude as far as he was concerned... well they were to work together, and he would do so unless she pushed the situation too far.


Aliana had enjoyed the dinner. She always loved pasta and after 3 nights of waffle mix and canned soup, it was great, both in the food, and the company.


"Aliana, would you care to take a stroll outside, a good stretch of the legs...and not in a heavy rad suit might feel good right about now,” Le Morte asked quietly as the dinner party was breaking.


Aliana grinned as he asked. "I'd love too. Leg stretching is good."


Nodding as he eased her chair from behind her... and grabbing his case... he quietly said, "Ladies first," as he ushered towards the door... it had been a long past few weeks... even for him it had been long. The normal long days he usually spent involved in his work had begun to catch up.


Aliana walked to the door. She had also had a long couple weeks, lengthened by her keeping to the colony, something she loathed. Of course, none of the archeological digging had begun yet, but soon...


Depositing his case casually at the table next to the lab exit... as they stepped outside…


“Aliana do you really enjoy the company of this doctor, or is just me that is starting to really loathe her?”


Aliana looked up with a raised eyebrow at his inquiry. "I enjoy the company of her as I would any other acquaintance. Why do you loathe her?" she asked with a bemused expression.


Casually folding his arms behind him as they walked along..."I just do not appreciate her manners and overzealous attitude. Besides her self-made god like opinion of herself, her entire attitude towards us even being here and doing this joint venture reeks of her disdain towards us. I have my opinion she does actually hold herself and her colleagues in much more esteem than she does any of the station personnel.”


Aliana chewed one of her fingernails as they walked. "I suppose that could be the case. It also seems, to me that is from what she told me, that this really has been her life’s work, and then we came in and started going over it for resin. I suppose that would make anyone... snappish."


Smiling as he looked at her as they walked..."You know they cannot be that tasty" as he pointed to Aliana as she chewed a fingernail. “I completely understand she has been working on this project for ten years. Hardly a life times work... being that as it may, she and her team were responsible for the leak in the first place, that indicates a disregard for safety procedures in the beginning. Again a bit overzealous...or they would have done as we did ...deep careful scans... No. She is hiding something.”


Aliana looked over at him, a little exasperated along with still bemused. "Hiding something? Why in Trill's hot springs would she be hiding something?"


"Think about it and consider what has occurred,” they rounded the corner of the main building..."She was even refusing any help from the start, and then only under extreme pressure did she capitulate. No... even after some of their teams died she took the stance that it is/was her site, and refused to cooperate... again until Drankum actually had to implement a state of emergency to get her to comply.”


"Ok. Lets consider, that instead of her hiding something, she is just dangerously obsessive over this whole thing, and doesn't want anyone other then her team in the site?"


“That might be the obvious ...however over the past few centuries I have come to realize humans do mask frequently their personal agendas with subterfuge to cover things they do not desire to have uncovered. At any rate I have recorded much data from the structure and hopefully it will reveal a lot of good scientific data as it pertains to whom built this edifice, and why they left things as they are.”


"Well, going for the option where the Doctor does not have a hidden agenda, yay. I am really hoping I can get some of the archeological data they gather in the dig. It would be amazing to study..." Aliana said, grinning dreamily.


"You may go for what ever option that pleases you my dear" ,Le Morte grinned that grin..."Just do not be surprised if you meet resistance in the open sharing department of information exchange. On another subject...and please forgive my hearing once again, you seemed a bit upset as you discussed something with Leilani as I was entering the lab...something about...your grand parent I believe?”


"Don't worry. I won't be too surprised," she said. She grimaced as he brought up the subject of her Grandmere. "My lovely, Grandmere attempted to engage me... again." She made a face. "She is such the traditionalist."


"I see...so your people arrange ...the bonding then... Hmmm, an interesting concept....not my idea of a good one mind you.”


"Nor mine," she said with a sigh. "Its a traditional Betazoid thing. Trills are not as into it. I have to say though, it is a pain."


"I see then, part of you is ok with tradition...however the other part, your symbiont is not then...or am I mistaken?"


“It’s ok I guess... but I am not really into it. I have been betrothed 2 times. Thankfully the last, the one my Grandmere just attempted to do, was called off."


"I see... then perhaps…” he stopped mid sentence. “I understand ...then it is appropriate then that we may see each other or as I think the term "date" each other ,that is of course if you would like too,” Le Morte turned and looked Aliana in the eyes with a small smile.


Aliana looked over with a grin. "Wow. 'Dating'. An interesting prospect, and not an unwelcome one," she said with a chuckle.


"I apologize,” he had obviously not spoken the correct term...all the customs and references he had been attempting to get right. "I did not mean to make a joke.”


Aliana looked over with a smile. "I didn't think you were. I've just... not dated in a really long time."


Looking a bit puzzled for a moment...but only a moment as the realization dawned on him. “I see then what I said was correct then?" he asked almost pleadingly.


Aliana grinned. "Indeed it was so."


Pausing a moment he looked up at the stars overhead… and almost absentmindedly slipped an arm around Alianas waist... gently..."So do you find me suitable to date then?"


Aliana looked at him with another grin. "Indeed I do."

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