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Mission Summary

The Republic was able to get rid of the alien probe before it was able to send off anything through the opening wormhole. It had started coming to life but the Crews orking on it had all necessary proticals in place and it was completly blocked until it was beamed into the nearby star and destroyed. The Admiral had the Republic take cover behind the sun at a safe distance and sit quietly until the wormhole closed. We didn't want whom ever sent that probe to find us sitting there.


In Engineering things had settled down a bit and things were getting back to normal.


Security had also settle down after the departure of the probe.


In Science Joy was giving the Newest Ens the ins and outs of thecommand staff. Lets hope she doesn't scare him back to the academy.


In Medical the newest Doctor got her first taste of working with one of the kids on the ship. The captains daughter Schawana lacerated her head when she fell at her class. The doctor seems to work well with the kids.

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