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Mreh K'hal

Preparations for AHBL

Things could very likely get squirrelly from here on out, Mreh thought, or as he usually thought to himself, the acronym AHBL (All Hell Breaking Loose) time. They'd found the Scorpiad ship, which was almost disappointing, because if they couldn't find it they could have went back to base without incident. Now, they were playing with fire and risking getting third degree burns. Mreh was no coward, but like any cat he'd rather curl up in a sunny spot for a nap than get in a snarling fight over territory and belongings.


He still refused to believe that this Scorpiad ship lying around was a stroke of good fortune for Starfleet. It stunk of a trap to him, which would've been worrying enough had they performed this mission on the Excalibur. Being on the Excelsior Class Union was something else entirely. Nonetheless they were working on sending a small team over to check the thing out. It's like everyone has forgotten how much trouble a Scorpiad shuttle caused when the Excalibur was still the B, and now we want to mess with a full size ship.


On top of it all everyone the Captain was sending over wasn't an expendable asset, perhaps save the security guy Griffin. For all Mreh knew, the minute the ship had life signs beamed aboard it would vanish into subspace the way Scorpiad ships do and take the team straight to the Scorpiad homeworld to be tortured. With the rumors of civil war between the Scorpiad and their underlings, it would certainly be a clever way to try to snare them. He didn't know if the octopods would do something like that, but he wouldn't put it past anyone.


So, whenever Ensign Waters returned to the bridge and took back the standard operations/communications console he would move over to an auxiliary console and monitor the away team very closely once they beam over. Supposedly the Excalibur crew had been selected for this mission because of their expertise and experience with the Scorpiad; he could only hope Starfleet Command was smarter than they usually proved to be.

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