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Cmdr Ridire

Evening and Morning

It's quite late when Aidan wakes up to the sound of the door hissing open. He doesn't sit up from his prone position on the couch. And with the back of the couch facing the door he isn't able to see who it is though it can only be one person. He resists the urge to get up and try and deal with the mess that had happened which is what the rational part of him is trying to tell him to do. Nor does he get up and go to embrace Deb and kiss her which is what another part of him wants to do. So he simply lays there on the couch, wrapped in the spare blanket from the bedroom closet with his head resting on the pillows from his side of their bed. He closes his eyes again and at the least pretends to be asleep in case she moves towards the couch.


It's not like he was having the best of luck getting some sleep anyways. He'd doze off then a little later he'd wake up in a bout of fitfullness only to doze off and then repeat the fitfullness. He had also spent a couple hours talking to his sister, explaining what had happened and what both Deb and him had said. He'd also explained what he thought was behind the incident though he hadn't gone into enough detail to give Ciara the idea of how close to death he had actually come. He'd just said that it was a risky mission and when pressed for details said that the mission was classified. Still, Aidan has no doubt that Ciara could read between the lines and figure out that the mission was quite risky if it had brought Deb and him to this point. She ended up saying what he already knew..that he was going to have to talk to Deb and work out the situation.


He listens to Deb hesitate just inside the door before she moves to their bedroom door and slips through when it opens. He listens for a few more moments before falling into another fitful sleep.


When Aidan wakes up a few hours later he sits up and stares at the bedroom door. Sighing to himself he stands and spends a moment folding up the blanket and laying it next to the pillows. Finally he steps towards their bedroom and quietly slips through the door when it opens. He risks a bare glance towards the bed to see Deb sleeping there as he walks over to the closet to retrieve some fresh clothes. He then enters the bathroom and closes the door behind him. After showering, changing into the uniform and otherwise getting ready for work he exits the bathroom and spends a few moments watching Deb sleep.


Sighing inwardly he steps towards the bed and gently brings the covers, which had slipped down, up to her shoulders. That done he turns on his heel and exits the bedroom. He strides to the other door and heads for his office, deciding to eat breakfast there and thus not have to deal with a possible scene if Deb woke up.

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