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A Differential Diagnosis

Pok tar, with its delicate flavour, the subtle nuances of its texture, and its beautiful presentation, was a highly favored dish among Vulcans, typically served at special events. Since leaving Vulcan to further her career, the opportunities for T'Prise to partake of this delicacy were very few. Because of the amount of time required to properly prepare the dish, she had only done so twice in her time on Earth; once for Saylek, to commend his appointment to the Diplomatic Corps, and once for her colleagues at the Daystrom Institute for a meal honouring the launch of the Peregrination Project. Lieutenant Lamoreaux, or Chris, as he had insisted she call him, so enjoyed the dish that he had spent nearly a month creating a replicator program to reproduce a suitable variation. He had presented her with the program specs just prior to the launch of the Wanderlust, and while pok tar was still best when prepared in the traditional manner, the replicated version was an acceptable substitute when circumstances did not allow for the conventional method.


After Dr. Chalice had completed her neural examination and pronounced her unorthodox prescription, T'Prise had gone back to the science bay to complete her duty shift before returning to her quarters for her rest cycle. The analgesics for her cephalalgia, administered by Dr. Chalice, had allowed for a brief respite from her current discomfort, complete with somewhat disconcerting dreams. Now, at the start of a new ship's day, she found herself ordering pok tar from the replicator as a reminder of home and a way to center her thoughts. Sitting down in her small eating area she began to slowly eat, savouring her meal while pondering the events of the previous day.


While nothing conclusive had been discovered in the preliminary results of the scan, T'Prise felt it logical to conclude that her current medical condition was related to the head injury she had sustained during their mission to the Andromeda Galaxy. Once Dr. Chalice provided her with the more finalized results, T'Prise fully intended to have them sent to her homeworld. Given that Vulcan neurology was highly complex, she would prefer that the records be examined by a specialist to ensure that nothing was missed. Although she was somewhat concerned regarding her symptoms, it was logical to conjecture that she might only be slightly off balance, most likely as a result of the head injury, and required a visit to one of the sanctuaries on Vulcan for quiet study and meditation to complete the healing process. Perhaps now was the time to consider undergoing kolinahr.


As for Dr. Chalice's unorthodox prescription of rest and relaxation, T'Prise was sure that such a course would be illogical, for a Vulcan's relaxation came through study and meditation and although meditating was difficult for the time being, she had no doubt that by diligently applying herself, she would overcome the difficulty. She could not apply herself, however, by behaving as Dr. Chalice had suggested. It was only logical to conclude, therefore, that the good doctor was using T'Prise's minor difficulties as a diversion from her own larger medical problems, obviously a human coping mechanism. Unwilling to face the larger issues brought to light by her injuries and the unconventional surgery that had saved her, Dr. Chalice was attempting to apply serious significance to what was really a slight inconvenience.


Mentally noting yet another interesting facet of human life and culture, and that coping mechanisms existed in a variety of shapes and forms, T'Prise returned her dish to the replicator slot for recycling. Briefly pressing her fingertips to her temples in order to relieve the pressure, she stood still for a moment or two before straightening and exiting her quarters, ready to report for duty.

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