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-=/\=- From the Inside -=/\=-

-=/\=- From the Inside -=/\=- It wasn't a deep love story. It hardly was a story at all. They met when forced into a private room without a view. They followed their instincts by staying close to each other and eventually feeling the need to be with each other. It wasn't full of passion and definitely not love, but it was complete. As they sat there afterwards, both of them felt like they were getting a splitting headache.


Suddenly, there were more. The room stayed the same size, but they kept getting more cramped. Once it became unbearable, most of them started leaving through the hole in the wall, where there was not a door. Side by side, they traveled in many directions, avoiding the lightening that was occasionally going off just outside the walls. They had to get back to work. If they didn't do their jobs, who would?


-=/\=- From the Outside -=/\=- Admiral Atragon's signal chased the nanites into hiding. They were programmed to hide within the folds of brain tissue when certain emergency situations happened. Being in close quarters, they took, for lack of better words, a head count and followed their instructions to multiply. After splitting, they each had the same instructions – heal. They started around Vilanne's body again, a concentrated effort in her chest, primarily around her ribs.


The little guys were working wonders inside her to heal up faster than expected by normal means. Another concentration moved to the spinal column. There was a hole where the missing spinal clamp had been dislodged and subsequently removed. The instructions were to do certain healing factors, but they could not repair from which they did not have.


Vilanne and Jaiysa had broken up their party hours ago. Vil was still in her messy quarters, sprawled out on the sofa while some music continued to loop in her room. The nanites were programmed to release certain endorphins that produced a happy and cheerful feeling in the being they worked in. Vilanne had hours of Happy and Cheerful with T'Prise and Jaiysa while they were doing their thing. However, they were stumped when it came to the missing spinal clamp.


Their instructions kept repeating in telling them to heal and multiply. This loop created a high endorphin, then a rest pattern over and over. Vilanne's body was totally exhausted, but she was having the strangest wild dreams.

Edited by Vilanne

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