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The Welcome Wagon

A9 exits the TL and walks to Dr. t'Tamarak's quarters, pleased to see that Precip responded quickly and the Security detail is now gone from her door. He feels a bit foolish, but carries on, carrying a potted plant and a small valise. He rings the bell at her door.


t'Tamarak is sitting in her quarters, going over baseline medical files of lloann'na races. She looks up as the door chimes and narrows her eyes slightly, "Enter."


A9 smiles as the door opens and he steps inside, "Good morning, Doctor"


She blinks at the image of Admiral with houseplant accouterment, stands and takes a step toward him, "Ah...good morning, rekkhai."


He walks over to her table and places the plant in the middle of it, "This will do for a start. The folks in the Botany lab tell me that this is a hardy plant that just needs water every week or so and the room lighting will strong enough to allow it to thrive. It is an old Earth tradition to bring something growing as a "housewarming" gift. I realize that you departed your homeworld with, literally, just the clothes on your back, so I wanted to see if I can offer you something new and ... frivolous."


She shifts slightly, eyeing the plant, and then puffs out a dry laugh, "Your generosity knows no bounds, Admiral." She shifts her eyes to the box in his other hand and then back up to his face and nods slowly, "Thank you."


He motions to the couch, "May I sit?"


She inclines her head and shifts to allow him to move past her, "Yes."


He takes a seat and places the case in his lap and waits while t'Tamarak sits in a chair nearby, "I have spoken with Dr. Mele and he is pleased to have you join his Medical staff."


She looks faintly skeptical at the word "pleased" but nods; she is relieved at having this somewhat settled -- at least officially -- though her expression doesn't show much of it, "Good."


He continues, "and, personally speaking, I am pleased to have you join our crew. You saved our mission, you saved our skins and you personally saved Dr. Chalice's life."


She nods again slowly, "I did what had to be done, rekkhai. But you are welcome." She pauses for a moment, "and I am grateful to be allowed to remain aboard your ship."


He inclines his head to acknowledge a hard-won emotional response, "I am sorry that you had to give up your homeland to do so and I hope that the Federation and the Manticore, in particular, can offer you some version of ... home. We all like it here and maybe you can find some friends onboard, eventually, hmm?"


She pauses, looking pensive, "Perhaps. Though I imagine it will take time for them to...cozy up to me. Dr. Chalice has done her best to make me feel welcome. The rest...I have not had great opportunity to speak to -- with the exception of course of my security detail." She smiles faintly.


He answers her smile with a smirk of his own, "I have informed Security that you have free run of the ship now, with no armed escort, unless you request it. And speaking of free run..." He clicks open the latches on the case and opens it, "Now on to some more practical items from us."


She privately has her doubts about how A9's Security department feels about this arrangement but doesn't pursue the question; instead, she looks curiously at the case as he clicks it open, "Yes?"


He continues, "You can get many of your personal items from the Quartermaster, but these are the items you need for getting around the ship to begin with." He pulls out a small device and hands it to her, "here is a communications badge, just press it and speak, it will grant you access to the computer system and to the open communications channel throughout the ship." Next he pulls out a uniform shirt, "This is a Medical department tunic. It is not required that you wear this, but if you would like to, it should be your size. If you would prefer to wear something non-Starfleet, I would understand. You have joined my crew, but we won't be asking you to make any decision on Starfleet for some time now. I will be asking Commander Farrington, my wife and the ship's Second Officer, to meet with you and provide you with more of the basics on our ship's systems, a tour, and introductions to the... Federation way. You can find all this via the main computer core, but we are fans of the personal touch here."


She picks up the badge and turns it over in her fingers thoughtfully, "Appreciated." She recognizes Farrington's name from the shuttle and pairs it with A9's in her developing mental map of the crew. She wonders how the Commander will take to being made to be a Rihannsu's tour guide, "Thank you, you'll find I'm a quick study, Admiral." She chuckles dryly, knowing how adaptable she will have to be to make this situation work.


He nods and puts the case down on the couch next to him, "Do you have any questions I can answer for you, Doctor?"


She shrugs, looking up from the badge, "I do not believe so, rekkhai. Thank you for your time."


He smiles and stands, "You're very welcome, Doctor t'Tamarak, and Welcome to the Manticore." He heads for the door, but stops just inside her quarters and turns, "I believe your first shift in Sickbay is in 3 hours. Have fun." He turns back and exits her quarters.

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