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The Tyranny of Commander Precip

Three hours of questioning in Engineering. Three hours of not so happy engineers.

Three hours bore out some facts.


Fact: the MENG console was used as the source of the transmission input. Determined by Operations on the bridge.

Fact: The Transmission took place while Manticore was in Romulan Space, which made Mitar so determined to figure out who made the transmission.

Fact: Despite arriving as soon as he can, he was only able to interview the personel in MENG upon his arrival.

Fact: A time gap between the transmission and Mitar's arrival in Engineering is known.

Fact: After 3 hrs of questioning,Not one Engineer is aware of anyone using the MENG console for a transmission.

Fact: After 3 hrs of questioning,Not one Engineer is aware of anyone who visited Main Engineering from another department.

Fact: The MENG console used for the transmission has no information regarding who accessed and transmitted the signal.


Fact: After 3 hrs of being what Mitar felt..tyrannical he had nothing to inform Admiral Atragon as to whom was behind the transmission. There were those who did admit to being on duty in MENG when the transmission took place but failed to recall if anyone was on the console. Chief Engineer Garnoopy was standing up for his staff...something Mitar would do if he was in his shoes. Could someone of evaded Garnoopy's staff and accessed the MENG transmission console? Upon viewing the rest of MENG from the Console, Precip felt this was unlikely. Could it have been remotely accessed? IF so..Chief Garnoopy, Mitar felt would be more aggravated than he already was at this Security sweep of "his" engine room. And Garn would be darn certain to find out how someone accessed it remotely.


Precip didnt feel good at all after what he did. But it was his Job. Garn was his friend...who joined Manticore the same time he did. They were shipmates. Yet Mitar had to tell Garnoopy just how dangerous what occurred and whomever executed it was either, willing to put the ship at risk for some unknown motive...or extremely stupid.


Precip doubted the later. ::Bolian swear words on log:: This was frustrating...if forensic scans of the console reveal nothing, Chief Garnoopy would probably tear the ship's entire comm system apart to try to find out who accessed his department's terminal.


Mitar sighed..he had only one other option, one that was going to make several people unhappy at him; but he was left with no other choice. After three hours, Precip went back to security to complete his task.

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