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Venienti Occurite Morbo

Venienti Occurite Morbo


Engineers log: Hilee,Richard,B.,Lt.Cmdr.Aeng, U.S.S. Manticore NCC-5852-A


Engineering has been busied with a laundry list of repairs upon our rather hasty departure from Romulus. The mission though plagued with various delays and setbacks appears to have been successful...so much for the cheerful part of this report.


Ruptured fuel cell resulting in a substantial loss of usable fuel,An oxygen cylinder rupture behind a console on the bridge resulting in a severe injury to a crew member who may be dying at this moment..along with the blow out, Massive circuitry damage to the console literally resulted in a profound power short and surge...throughout the ship.


The team of course responded immediately along with a much needed assist from Lt.Cmdr. Faldek. Main power was rerouted to secondary and backup systems in order to control the possible progression of the shorting of the entire system possibly resulting in a cascading effect and total catastrophic systems failure.


Lt.DougT. managed to replace at least the basic circuit boarding and connecting fibre optics and wiring. He was then assigned to enter the area of the fuel leak after the flow was cut from the demand valve to that section of baffle to make good the repair,The repair was successful ...unfortunately the majority of the fuel was lost. Lt.Pilot was busied with the task of keeping the power distribution center intact while diverting and manually allocating power as needed to maintain the minimum power necessary to the systems.


Turning the main console over to he and Cmdr. Faldek, I quickly made way to the main circuitry junction in the very rear and bowels of the engineering section. Being literally waist deep in burned out,live and dead circuitry is not a picnic by any stretch of the imagination by no means. Manually cutting off the power to one part of the system and diverting it to the secondary as fast as possible a modicum of damage resulted to the ISO main panel.


Replacing the burned out Isolinear chips did take some time as probing the various blade receptors for the chips had to be done one by one to insure continuity and forego problems when primary systems were restored. I was not aware of additional problems it appeared were developing until I had completed repairs on the main junction and had restored the main systems from secondary.


The ability to communicate with the Manticore upon our arrival at the rendevous point for pickup had been apparently been knocked out. The science department had apparently successfully rigged a device and incorporated it into the main deflector system and was enabled to send a short burst communication...I sincerely hope it has not damaged our ability to utilize the main deflector as a small piece of rock,or meteorite would make our situation academic.


The concerns over the deflector are apparently of minor importance now as our life support systems are running on minimal...normally that is not a severe problem if you have time and power enough to make it to your destination...apparently we do not. The ship is now on a non powered inertial glide apparently. The hope the signal and comm was received by Manticore. I have been working diligently along with the engineering team to reroute and partially recharge the battery backups by running on the bare essentials...including minimal artificial gravity,life support..and lighting.


I do suggest minimal movement and effort to minimize the demands on our already severely strained life support. we all are working literally by emergency flash lighting as needed. I furthermore suggest additional layered clothing...it may get a bit chilly as the artificial heating and cooling is at the lowest possible settings to conserve power.


In the likely event anything else happens to go wrong I am sure we all will "Meet the misfortune as it comes" and live to see home the Manticore again. End log: Beep..! :(

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