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H.G. Reed

The Big Picture

Slightly bent over the navigation station, H.G. continued to work on the dynamic map of the Tellun system which she had constructed, carefully verifying the position every Elasian ship. Although it was it was a time-consuming task to precisely plot and calculate course and trajectory for each vessel, she did so with meticulous care. Truth be told, though she had always enjoyed any opportunity she was given to work on her skills as a cartographer, she was also extremely grateful at the moment to occupy her time with a useful task that required her full attention, rather than busy work, as it helped to keep her mind from wandering to the more insignificant and distasteful subjects it had been centred on of late.


Lieutenant Poldara’s idea to conceal their sensor sweep from the Elasians had been a brilliant one, and she and Ensign Freeman had each executed their tasks flawlessly, allowing H.G. to integrate the modifications to her sensors. By boosting the range strength of her sensor signals, while fine-tuning their output to specifically look for Elasian warp signatures, she had accumulated a massive amount comprehensive data in the short time they had. Exploiting the stellar cartography utilities to work in conjunction with that data was producing some very satisfying results.


H.G. looked up at the main viewer, where the results of her work were being displayed alongside the internal scans taken by Poldara. The data centred on the Tellun primary, but prominently displayed its inner planet Elas, along with the outer counterpart Troyius, illustrating a very complete and precise rendering of the system. Scattered throughout the cartographic extent and represented by golden icons bearing the symbol of the Dolhan, were the locations of all the Elasian ships their sensor sweep had located. Pleased with what she saw, H.G. went back to working on the data layer that would detail the probable flight path and trajectory of each of the vessels; she wanted to complete the task as soon as possible, in case something happened that would make the information critical to their mission.

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