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C.T. Caine

New Information ((Matthews/Caine))

((Set just a little before start-of-sim this week.))


Owen strolled around the parking lot turned triage facility in search of Caine. He had just gotten himself something to drink and a sandwich after hearing Mike's report on the terrorists. Buddha wasn't sure what to think of it. One the one hand they would now have some information to persuade their guest to talk. On the other hand, dealing with terrorists was something he could easily do without. As he turned around a tent he saw Caine standing about 50 feet away. He hurried over, still munching on his food.


Caine was standing a short distance from the tent where she and Matthews had begun their interrogation on the Avaros prisoner and appeared somewhat lost in thought, her grey eyes seeming to stare through the canvas at the hostile young man beyond it. The sound of approaching footsteps broke through the reverie and she looked up to see Owen approaching. "Hey, Buddha," she said, cocking her head to the side and working a kink out of her neck. "What's the word?"


"Yo, Junior. Want a piece of my sandwich?" He held it out to her, smiling. "Let's walk." He shot a quick glance at the tent and knew the prisoner might be able to hear them if they discussed things out here.


Caine took the food and quirked an eyebrow curiously before falling into step with the marine captain.


When they had walked some distance Owen turned to Caine and smiled. "I think I have good news. Well, maybe not exactly good but it might help us get this guy to talk a bit." He fell silent, knowing full well that the lack of an explanation might actually annoy Caine.


Caine took a bite of the sandwich, chewing slowly while waiting for Owen to continue. When the silence persisted, she swallowed and eyed him sidelong. "Going to keep it to yourself or what?"


"Yup," he said with a grin. "Alright, I just talked to Slick. Apparently there's a local terrorist group around causing a lot of trouble and scaring the locals. I'm pretty sure Mr. 'You can't prove anything' isn't going to like that we found out. I'd say we just tell him we know everything, drop a hint here and there and see how he reacts. Sound good?"


Caine's eyebrow quirked higher and she grinned. "Very good. It's not a full intel report or anything but we can use all the leverage we can get. Should help the next interview go better." She glanced over her shoulder at the tent they had left behind, and a slight expression of frustration crossed her Vulcan features. "Not that that'd be particularly difficult."


Buddha sighed as his eyes followed Caine's gaze. "Yeah, unfortunately it seems like I wasn't scary enough. Maybe we should just tell him we caught one of his buddies and that he's telling us quite a bit. It might work if we mention we know about the terrorist activity and such."


Caine nodded. "Can't hurt, certainly. He seemed to be getting most of his chutzpah from the fact that he figured we were blinking idiots. Can't say it won't be satisfying to give him a taste of the opposite viewpoint."


Owen shrugged as he considered Caine's words. "It's always dangerous to underestimate the enemy."


"A mistake he hopefully will not have occasion to make twice," Caine said cheerfully. "We'll wear him down soon enough, assuming our chief engineer doesn't take it into her head to interrupt us again. Better finish up eating so we can get back to work."


"Well, seeing as you're finishing my lunch, I guess I am already finished. So, let's get back to Harvey and see how he does this time." Owen grinned, hoping Caine would understand that he wasn't entirely serious. After all, he had offered her the rest of his sandwich. But with Vulcans you never knew.


Caine chuckled and swallowed the last of the sandwich. "Right with you, Captain."

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