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Going It Alone

After Jon Shamor left Sickbay, Deb took a few minutes to update the necessary medical and personnel files. She'd known the Zemun for years and considered him an extremely dedicated and loyal member of the crew. More than that, he was a trusted friend as well. It pleased her to no end that he and Anna O'Halloran had become close....friends. Jon needed someone like Anna. And she could do far worse than Shamor.


Deb finished the paperwork and slipped back into her office. Closing the door behind her, she ordered the lights on low and slumped into her old, comfy chair. For the past couple of weeks, she'd focused on her work, taking care of the crew....or what remained of it. She started organizing a support group for those who witnessed the destruction of the Reaent....or thought they'd witnessed it. She was among them but choose not to dwell on her own reaction to the trauma. Focusing on the patients was her way of dealing with it....even if the relief was only temporary.


She leaned back in her chair, shut her eyes and allowed her thoughts to drift. Inevitably, they found their way back to the events of the recent past. Her eyes flew open as the image of Reaent's destruction flooded her consciousness. She experienced the same gut wrenching grief that nearly suffocated her at the time. Deb pushed her chair back and quickly left her office. She handed off Sickbay to Russ Eckert, exited the medical facility and stepped into the nearest turbolift. A moment later, she arrived on the bridge and was met with what could only be described as mass chaos.


The CMO paused just outside the lift and surveyed the mayhem. It took only a second for her to locate her husband whom she suddenly felt compelled to see....to talk to....to touch....if only for a few minutes. They'd had precious little time together since arriving at the starbase. She needed a moment with him....she needed the comfort and reassurance only he could offer her. But she hadn't expected to fine three dozen people on the bridge, most of them workers trying to put the ship back together again.


Aidan was surrounded by four individuals wearing jumpsuits, two of whom were arguing about something. He had his back to her so he never saw her step onto the bridge. She stood motionless for half a minute watching him try to settle whatever disagreement had arisen. It was obvious he was up to his eyeballs in work. Her feelings changed abruptly. She felt weak and selfish. How could she bother him at a time like this? She should be capable of dealing with her emotions on her own. It shouldn't be necessary for her to run to Aidan like a frightened child.


Drawing a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders, turned and stepped back into the lift. Moments later she was again sitting at her desk chiding herself for her impulsive behavior. Forcing herself to focus on the mountain of work still stacked on her desk, Debbie resolved to handle this crisis much like she had in the past, prior to her marriage. She couldn't afford to burden Aidan with anymore grief than he was already dealing with. This time around, she would go it alone.

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