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J. Shamor

A Discreet Interrogation‏

By the time he entered Sickbay, Deb had everything set up. They would do the physical first and then permanently dye the one eye. She waved Jon over to the biobed as soon as he came through the door. She greeted him with a smile. "Have a seat Jon," she said pleasantly. "This won't take too long.


Deb kept the conversation light and casual as she ran the most detailed scans possible on Shamor's hearts. There was evidence of minimal damage to the one heart resulting from the episode Jon suffered a few years earlier. The CMO spent some time reviewing the data but decided there was nothing significant to be concerned about. Heart number two was in perfect condition, a thoroughly amazing fact considering the Zemun's advanced age.


"I don't know how you do it," remarked Deb as she deactivated the cardiac scanners. "Other than a little scar tissue, one would never suspect you had a heart attack. And your second heart is in perfect operating order." She smiled at him as she sat up. "This is the monitor," she continued, showing him the small device she would attach to his chest. "I've programmed it to monitor both hearts. It's too small to bother you but it's large enough to sound the alert should you get into the slightest difficulty."


"Better safe than sorry, the last few mission cut it pretty close in terms of stress. At this will serve as an early warning system in case something happens." Jon seemed more at ease as Deb finished setting up the monitor.


Deb adjusted the biobed so Jon could lean back at a ninety degree angle. "Lean back and let's take care of your second request."


Jon Shamor had two eyes, just like most humanoids. But that's where the similarities ended. One of his eyes was a beautiful shade of green while the other was a unique color....a vibrant azure blue. Both were quite lovely but Deb had always preferred the blue...at least on Jon. He, on the other hand, had never seemed bothered by the fact that his eyes were different colors....until now.


He'd spoken to Debbie confidentially earlier in the day, finally explaining how it happened that he had different colored eyes. That helped her understand his wanting to unify things a bit. Still, she wondered why it hadn't concerned him until now.


She anesthetized his left eye and then gently probed it to insure it was sufficiently numb. "Tell me something, Jon," she asked as she re-checked the pigment she was about to use to permanently stain the Zemun's iris. "You've had two different eye colors for a long time. Why did you suddenly decide to rectify that?"


"I felt it was time for me to move on. Since my battle with Vikaron a few years ago, this eye color is all that reminds me of him. Like I said earlier, I need closure for this." He seemed to struggle to keep his emotions in check which became noticeable to Deb. Obviously the events involving this Vikaron person took their respective tolls on Jon.


"Hold perfectly still," whispered Deb as she started the procedure. A couple of minutes later, she took a step back and rested a hand on Jon's shoulder. "Just relax for a few minutes. I need to make certain the pigment properly disperses through the iris."


Retracting her hand, she smiled At Jon. "I'm glad you've decided to put the past behind you. I hope this helps." She canted her head to one side and studied her handiwork. "I think it's a perfect match, if I must say so myself."


Pulling up a stool, she sat down beside the biobed and quickly checked her patient's vitals. "Friends can help get you through tough times as well," she added casually. She didn't bother mentioning the recent trauma she and several others had endured. In fact, she relished the opportunity to focus on something else, especially when it was a subject she'd been curious about for awhile. "I've noticed Ms. O'Halloran seems to have taken an interest in your well being. Personally, I think she a lovely woman. She would make a great friend....very understanding and a good listener."


"Not to mention caring, compassionate, and adventurous especially when it comes to trying out different foods. I don't know why but I feel at peace and even happy when she's around. I guess you're right, a friend can make a difference in one's life." He relaxes in the biobed "thank you for taking the time for my request; normally I wouldn't bother you much since you're busy."


Finally! After her brief session with Mr. Nansk and everything else they'd gone through in recent weeks, here was something to smile about! I knew it! thought Deb silently. And it's about time! "I'm glad the two of you get along so well," remarked Deb nonchalantly. "Heaven knows, you deserve someone who makes you feel happy." She slipped off the stool and directed her tricorder at Jon's newly pigmented eye. "And I think Anna could use a friend right now as well. The past couple of weeks have been a little....stressful for her."


She stepped back and deactivated the biobed. "You now have two azure blue eyes," she announced proudly. "I hope this small change will assist you in your endeavor to put the past behind you and look forward to the future."


As Jon sat up, Deb placed her hands on her hips and grinned at him. "Be sure to let me know how Anna reacts when she sees them."

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