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Cmdr Ba'alyo

Peacekeeping In and Out

The following is a joint log with Ensign Quintin M'Guire, taking place at the conclusion and in between sims:


Commander Zen Ba'alyo set the small teapot on the table, sliding it toward Ensign M'Guire. Ba'alyo leaned back informally, gripping the steaming mug of Klingon-brewed coffee. It was a beverage he'd been exposed to during his inspection tour of the border, but one that had not yet caught on in human circles.


"It's fair to say that shuttle approach wasn't exactly protocol, was it?" the Efrosian first officer offered in a dry understated tone. A bridge fly-by was usually considered grandstanding, even when it didn't take place in the middle of a tense diplomatic meeting. He took a deep draw from the raktajino mug.


M'Guire poured himself a cup from the teapot and took a sip. He pulled back immediately, not liking the flavor or the sensation against his broken tooth. "Nay, sir," he managed. "It t'wern't protocol. It won't 'appen again."


Ba'alyo nodded. "I'm glad to hear it," he acknowledged. He leaned forward, setting down the mug and slowly rotating a table display toward the human. "Then there's this..." The screen showed a freeze frame of Major Kimiko belting M'Guire squarely in the mouth. "I think it is fair to point out that isn't exactly the protocol greeting either, is it?"


M'Guire sat up, looking abashed. "Now that weren't my fault, sir! She obviously had it in for me." He leaned back, gesturing toward the screen. "Bloody woman is a menace, she should be detained!"


The Efrosian eyed him quietly. "Mr. M'Guire," he asked deliberately, "are you suggesting I deal harshly with a simple break in protocol?"


M'Guire didn't know anything about this man, but he knew a question when it was phrased to cut two ways. If he pressed for punishment against the Marine, he'd be making a case against leniency for himself. The exec had offered him an out, but he'd have to trade for it. After seeing that... fiery-haired preening princess at the navigation console, it might not be wise to collect enemies so quickly, if that could be avoided. It had been startling to see the young woman again, and not particularly pleasant; she was disagreeable and snobbish, though he certainly admired her spirit, and her beauty. Mostly, however, seeing her had simply brought back the aching feeling of a challenge left unanswered.


Sitting back in his chair, M'Guire set his cup on its saucer, looking thoughtful for a moment. “Prayhaps you’re right, Commander,” he asserted “Bleedin’ woman probably ain’t worth the trouble anyhow.”


Ba'alyo made no signal of agreement, but simply observed, "Peace is a hard thing to achieve, Mr. M'Guire. We're here trying to reach it with the Elasians. Keeping peace on the ship is good practice." He stood, offering his hand in the human gesture of welcome. "I've read your bio."


M'Guire waited, taking the firm handshake.


"Nova Squadron," Ba'alyo added, his voice low, almost a growl. "Very impressive. I hope we challenge your skills."


“Aye, sir. I’m counting on it.”


"You'll be needed on the bridge, if you can hold off on a visit to sickbay," Ba'alyo advised, sliding the teapot tray toward himself. "Are you ready to join us?"


"That I am," Quintin answered, "that I am."

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